Hello Folks,
I returned from enjoying the last two days of sunny and warm weather in
Westmorland and Cumberland County (supposed to continue until mid week!)
and I was wonderfully surprised to find new Cumberland County CAIRN
Locations in emails that you dear souls of the Cumberlist had sent to me
and the list while I was away! Thanks so much for helping!

Brian's online jpeg of the Spencers Island CAIRN was wonderful.

When I picked up my mail today, I had a smail letter from the Historic
Sites and Monuments Board of Canada which told me of the location of
HISTORIC PLAQUES in Cumberland county. Most of the information they gave
me was about PLAQUES located in Cumberland county Post Offices. I am
wondering if the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada no longer
keep records for the CAIRNS that the Cumberlist has turned up. Perhaps
we are indeed pioneers in CAIRN & PLAQUE locations for Cumberland

I also did a little scouting around for CAIRNS while I was away.
I'll post the new information in subsequent emails under CUMBERLAND

I think there are more of these CAIRNS and plaques than I originally
thought. If anyone has more to add, please let me know.

Once again, THANK YOU for the help:
Dara, Brian, Carol, Lawrence, Margaret :-))

~ Diane