Gwendolyn A. Spicer
1925 - 2015
Spicer, Gwendolyn A. ³Gwen² 89, of Spencer¹s Island passed away Thursday,
January 22, 2015 at Chignecto Manor, Advocate Harbour. Born in Moncton, she
was a daughter of the late Edgar and Ethel (Burgess) Wilson. Gwen was a
graduate of Moncton High School, the Royal Victoria Training School,
Montreal and McGill University School of Nursing. She was a nurse for 32
years with the Victorian Order of Nurses, Montreal, the New Brunswick
Association of Registered Nurses as an Executive Secretary, and as a teacher
in the Nursing Schools of Moncton Hospital and the University of Ottawa. She
retired in 1978. She moved with her husband to Spencer¹s Island in 1979. She
was most active throughout her retirement with both her church and
community. She is survived by a son, Neil (Sue Ann), Nepean, Ont.; a
step-daughter, Linda MacDonald, Calgary, Alta.; a step-son, John Spicer
(Anne), Calgary, Alta.; grandchildren, Kaitlin Spicer, Ottawa, Ont.; Tara
Spicer, England; step-grandchildren, Jennifer Spicer, Coronado Beach,
Panama; Matthew MacDonald, Calgary, Alta. She was predeceased by her
husband, Stanley T. Spicer; a brother, Murray Wilson. A service of
celebration for Gwen will be held at a later date. Memorial donations may be
made to a charity of choice.
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[Collected by DAW, 31 Jan 2015]