Abigail 'Abbie' [Willigar] Law

Her date of birth is recorded as 17 Dec. 1866 in Black Rock, Cumb. Co., N.S., the d/o Thomas L. Willigar and Rebecca Vickery.


Abigail Law
Michigan, Death Certificates
Name: Abigail Law 
Event Type: Death 
Event Date: 24 Mar 1926 
Event Place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States 
Gender: Female 
Age: 58 
Marital Status: Widowed 
Birth Date: 17 Nov 1867 
Birthplace: Pearrsboro, Nova Scotia [Parrsboro]
Birth Year (Estimated): 1868 
Father's Name: Welliger [Willigar]
GS Film number: 001972976
Digital Folder Number: 005362534
Image Number:  02986