Obit: LAKE, Darrell James; Fox River related

This obit has a typo in it.

It was published as such in today's Chronicle Herald and still remains as
such on the funeral home website this morning.

Monday was January 12, 2015; January 13, 2015 was Tuesday.

Did he die Monday or Tuesday?

Darrell's parents were "technically" step-children from William James Lake
and Margaret Gladys (Fowler) Vaughan's 2nd marriages.

Sydney Arthur Lake is from William's m/1 while Evelyn Vaughan is from
Margaret's m/1.

Darrell James Lake
Darrell James Lake

Darrell James Lake, 45 of Fraser¹s Mills, Antigonish County.

The family of Darrell Lake is sad to announce the passing of a wonderful
son, brother, father, uncle on Monday, January 13, 2015, in St. Martha¹s
Regional Hospital, Antigonish. He was born in Antigonish, the son of Sydney
and Evelyn Lake. As a young man Darrell moved to Parrsboro to work as a
welder at Parrsboro Metal Fabrication. He bought a team of Clydesdale
horses and hauled wood in his spare time. He followed his best friend
Rollie MacHattie into truck driving. A car accident years later, left
Darrell a quadriplegic. He started raising Bernese Mountain dogs and with
the help of his caregiver Lucia he felt he could do anything. Darrell was
the thinker, Lucia was the worker.

Besides his parents Darrell is survived by: sons Cody (Rebekah), (Melbourne,
Australia) and Brody (Samantha), Moncton, NB; brothers Robert, Saskatchewan,
Doug (Gladys) Newfoundland, and Stephen (Candace) Alberta; sisters Donna
(Kevin) DeWolfe and Brenda (Darryl) Green both of Antigonish County; and
his amazing caregiver Lucia BaA; his best friends Rollie and Joey MacHattie
and Russell and Marjorie MacHattie and family with whom Darrell spent much
of his teen years with as well as many nieces and nephews. Funeral Service
will be 2:00 pm Friday in Kings United Church, Loch Katrine, Rev. Meredith
Marple presiding. Burial at a later date in Cummings Cemetery, Upper South

[Collected by DAW, 15 Jan 2015