Loretta Elizabeth (Hatfield) Northrop

She was the d/o George and Ann Jane [Byrns] Hatfield of Port Greville.


Lauretta E. Hatfield
mentioned in the record of James D. Northrop and Lauretta E. Hatfield
Name: James D. Northrop 
Event Type: Marriage [2nd for James] ***
Event Date: 10 Nov 1886 
Event Place: Boston, Massachusetts 
Gender: Male 
Age: 38 
Birth Year (Estimated): 1848 [Kings Co., N.B.]
Father's Name: James P. 
Mother's Name: Mary P. 

Spouse's Name: Lauretta E. Hatfield 
Spouse's Father's Name: George 
Spouse's Mother's Name: Ann J. 
Certificate Number: 82 
GS Film number: 1415222
Digital Folder Number: 4332354
Image Number:  00988

Loretta Northrop
United States Census, 1900
Name: Loretta Northrop 
Event Type: Census 
Event Year: 1900 
Event Place: Borough of Manhattan New York City, New York County, New York, United States 
Gender: Female 
Age: 36 
Marital Status: Married 
Race: White 
Race (Original): W 
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife 
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife 
Number of Living Children: 5 
Years Married: 13 
Birth Date: May 1864 
Birthplace: Canada England 
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1887 
Immigration Year: 1890 
Father's Birthplace: Canada England 
Mother's Birthplace: Canada England 
Mother of how many children: 5 [?? including stepchildren??]

Household              Role       Gender Age Birthplace

Jas D Northrop      Head             M    49    Canada England [carpenter]
Loretta Northrop    Wife             F    36     Canada England
John Northrop       Son               M    21    Canada England [from James' M/1]
Hattie Northrop      Daughter      F    12     New York
Preston Northrop  Son                M    10    New York
Irving Northrop      Son               M     5    New York
Willimina Hatfield Sister-in-law F    26    Canada England

James D Northrop
United States Census, 1910
Name: James D Northrop 
Event Type: Census 
Event Year: 1910 
Event Place: Manhattan Ward 12, New York, New York, United States 
Gender: Male 
Age: 62 
Marital Status: Married 
Race: White 
Race (Original): White 
Relationship to Head of Household: Head 
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head 
Birth Year (Estimated): 1848 
Birthplace: Canada 
Immigration Year: 1884 
Father's Birthplace: Canada 
Mother's Birthplace: Canada 

Household                 Role Gender Age Birthplace

James D Northrop     Head       M    62    Canada
Lauretta E Northrop  Wife        F     49    Canada
Hattie E Northrop      Daughter F     22    New York
Preston E Northrop   Son         M    19    New York
Irving G Northrop      Son        M    15    New York