Fw: [nscumber] Oxley's in Nova Scotia

Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2015 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [nscumber] Oxley's in Nova Scotia
Hi Kathryn~
I’m sure you have these but just in case....
OXLEY, George = ca 1786 to Cynthia BENT [History of Fort Lawrence]
OXLEY, John = 18 Sept.1792, to Ann BAKER  - River Philip Township book
OXLEY, Joseph = 23 June 1807, to Eliza S. BLACK – River Philip Township book
OXLEY, Arathusa = 29 Jan.1821, to Richard BLACK – River Philip Township book
OXLEY, Elizabeth = 05 April 1823, by Rev. Milner, to  Edward B. BAKER – Halifax JOURNAL
OXLEY, Elizabeth = 13 Sept.1828, to Robert DONKIN – River Philip Township book
OXLEY, Margaret = 09 Feb.1830, by D. McFarlene, Wallace, to James CHRISTIE – Halifax ACADIAN RECORDER
OXLEY, Elmira = 15 Mar.1831, by Rev. Crowe, Shubenacadie, to David FRIEZE – Halifax ACADIAN RECORDER
OXLEY, Charlotte = 31 Dec.1832, at Wallace to Patrick TERRIL – Township book
OXLEY, Stephen = 25/26 Feb.1833, at Wallace, to Mary Bowden THOMPSON – Township book
[also have dates of ,25 Feb.1832 or 09 March 1833, by Rev. Davis at River Philip – Hfx. ACADIAN RECORDER]
OXLEY, Charles [B.] = 25 March 1834, at Wallace, to Priscilla THOMPSON – Township book
[or 18 March 1834, by Rev. Davis, at River Philip – Halifax ACADIAN RECORDER
OXLEY, George B. = 26 March 1835, at Bridgetown, by Rev. Robertson, to Maria Ann TROOP – Hfx. ACADIAN RECORDER
OXLEY, George P. = 16 Feb.1836, by Rev. John Brown, of Londonderry, T’ship, NS, to Eliza Ann WIER – Hfx. ACADIAN RECORDER
OXLEY, Edward B. = 17 Jan.1839, to Julia SMITH  - River Philip Township book
OXLEY, Cutherburt C. = 24 Jan.1839, by D. McFarlene, River Philip, to Olivia [SHURMAN] OXLEY – Hfx. NOVASCOTIAN or R.P. T.Book
OXLEY, Joseph  = 28 Dec.1841, by Rev. McFarlene, Wallace, to Clarissa NICHOLS – CHRISTIAN MESSENGER
OXLEY, W.B. = 05 Jan.1843, by Rev. Dimock, of Londonderry, to Clarrisa W. FLEMMING – CHRISTIAN MESSENGER
OXLEY, John = 04 Oct.1845, to Charlotte SCHURMAN – River Philip Township book
OXLEY, William B.  = 08 Nov.1849, by Rev. Avery, Wallace, to Ann Eliza. KERR – CHRISTIAN MESSENGER/NOVASCOTIAN/PRESBYTERIAN WITNESS
OXLEY,_______ = 04 Nov. 1852, by Rev. W. S. Darragh, Tidnish, to Mr. _______ KING – Amherst CITIZEN, of 08 Nov.1902
Taken from my compilation of Cumberland County marriages 1780  - 1864
Bill, Chairman
MARRIED – At Cow Bay, 14th inst., by Rev. D. McDougall, Capt. James WILSON, of Londonderry, to
Barbara OXLEY, of Cow Bay. – Halifax MORNING CHRONICLE, of 21 Aug.1869
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2015 1:47 PM
Subject: [nscumber] Oxley's in Nova Scotia


I am researching the Oxley family of River Philip, Cumberland County, trying to fill in the descendants of George and Mary (Bowden) Oxley, and their five sons, Stephen, George, Robert, John and Joseph.

George and Mary came over on the Providence on 1 June 1774 to Halifax, then moved to Amherst area for a few years before receiving a land grant at River Philip, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.  George, Mary and sons, George Jr., John and Joseph lived in River Philip and Wallace area.  Stephen lived in Halifax area for a few years before moving to Tidnish.  No proof or information yet, but I believe Robert moved to the Halifax area as well.  Therefore most of the Oxley's in Nova Scotia are descendants of George and Mary. 

I am looking for all Oxley's and descendants to make sure that I have included them all.  So if you have an Oxley ancestor or descendants from Nova Scotia in your research, I will appreciate hearing from you, so that I can make sure that they are included in my research / book. 

