Re: Wedding Charles H Tupper & Ruth Marjorie Anthus Hitchey

Title: Re: [nscumber] Wedding Charles H Tupper & Ruth Marjorie Anthus Hitchey
BC Provincial Registration of Marriage 
Registration # 20-09-226498
Groom: TUPPER, Charles Herbert, 23, b bookkeeper, Baptist
living Prince Rupert, BC; born Spencer's Island, NS
s/o Burpee Tupper (Scots Bay) & Linda Tupper (Scots Bay)
Bride: HILCHEY, Marjorie Anthus Ruth, 24, s, stenographer, Presbyterian
living Georgetown, PEI & Halifax; born Georgetown, PEI
d/o John Hilchey (Ship Harbour) & Marjorie MacLEod (Orwell, PEI)
married 1920-09-19 The house of Thomas J Marsh, Terrace, BC
before Duncan C MacRae; J Alberta Marsh (license # 67806
by Thomas J Marsh, CoE, Terrance, BC
[collected by EMKeys 2014-09-15]

From: "David Winter davidwinter@... [nscumber]" <>
To: nscumber <>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [nscumber] Wedding Charles H Tupper & Ruth Marjorie Anthus Hitchey

Thanks Deb; I can use it.

Nice newspaper misprint for Terrace, B.C.


On 14-09-15 3:11 PM, "nscumber" <> wrote:



Tupper - Hilchey

An interesting event took place recently at Ternall, B.C.., when Miss Ruth Hilchey, Georgetown, P.E.I. became the bride of Mr. Chas. Tupper, eldest son of Capt. and Mrs. Burpee Tupper, Parrsboro. After the ceremony which was performed by Rev. T. J. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Tupper left on a trip through the Rockies.

They will reside at Prince Rupert, B. C., where the groom, for the past three years, has held the position of book-keeper with the G. J. Frizzel Co., wholesale Merchants.

Before leaving Halifax, the bride was given a shower by the members of Fort Massey Church, of which she was a valued member, and presented with a chest of silver by the Dept. of Soldier Re-establishment Service, Halifax, where she had been employed sometime.

The groom is one of Parrsboro's most highly esteemed young men and the many friends extend congratulations to him and his bride.

(Truro Daily News December 18, 1920, page 11)