Rupert Morine; McCullough related to Port Greville
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: Rupert Morine; McCullough related to Port Greville
- From: "David Winter" <David_Winter_uid1419@yahoogroups.inv_ alid>
- Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 14:47:20 -0000
Wolfville Acadian, November 20, 1947, pg. #5' Reel #4141, NSARM, Halifax,
OBITUARY: Rupert Morine
The funeral for the late Rupert Morine was held from thre H.C. Lindsay
Funeral Home, Wolfville, Sunday, at 3 p.m., conducted by the Rev. E.L.
Curry. Interment was in the family lot at Gaspereau. Mr. Morine, who had
been in failing health for the past two years, was born in Melanson 69 years
ago and was the son of the late Lemuel (Lila Rogers) Morine of that place.
Surviving are his wife, the former Emma McCully, and three children, Norman,
of Centreville; Harry, of Billtown; and Ethel Perish, of Centreville.
Source: Dave Winter, 3 Sep 2013
Note: Death was 14 Nov 1947 at Wolfville. As published; I have his wife as
Emily. Ethel m/1 Parrish. No mention of daughter, Hattie, sons, Leslie or
Robert Clifton