She m/1 Robert Taylor as a ³McCully² on 4 May 1897, Baptist, Parrsboro.
Try looking Taylor, Robert, 1897, Cumberland
On 13-09-02 4:55 PM, "James E. Welsh" <welsh793@...> wrote:
> Dave,
> Couldn't find her wedding vitals.
> Jim
> www.novascotiagenealogy.com
> NSARM, NS Hants County Deaths
> Registration Year: 1952 - Page: 1323
> Clara Alice Taylor,
> birth: 5 June 1877, Port Greville
> 4 June 1952,Hantsport,
> 74 yr 6 mo 30 days
> cause: Hypostatic pneumonia; lung infarct;
> arthritis
> Occ: housewife, housekeeping
> Husband: Capt. John Johnson Taylor
> Father: John McCullough
> Mother: unknown
> Informant: Ruby M. Whiteman, Hantsport, daughter
> Burial: 6 June 1952 3PM
> collected by James Welsh,9/2/2013
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