Freeman Berry s/o Thomas Hiram Berry
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: Freeman Berry s/o Thomas Hiram Berry
- From: "everittdeb" <_uid315@yahoogroups.invalid>
- Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 20:14:28 -0000
Deceased Has Many Relatives in Truro
NORTH RIVER, Mar. 2 - There passed away at North River on Monday February 28, Freeman Berry aged 82 years. He was born in Parrsboro, the son of the late Hiram and Catherine Berry.
His former home was in Elderbank, Halifax County, but since the death of his wife many years ago; he has travelled about a good deal, making his home in different places, but spent the last two years of his life in North River, the last year of which he was confined mostly to his bed, due to an injury sustained to his knee.
He contracted the "flu" a few days ago which was the cause of his death. The late Freeman Berry had been a member of the Orange Lodge of Parrsboro for many years.
He is survived by one daughter Annie, Mrs. Cummings of New York; two sons, John, of Elderbank, Halifax Co.; Alex. of Dartmouth; and two brothers, Thomas of Moncton, N.B.; and Robert of Parrsboro. Another brother J. Kinsmen Berry, Truro, is a sister Jennie of Parrsboro predeceased him several years ago. Mrs. J. K. Berry, 163 Arthur Street, Truro, is a sister-in-law and Mrs. Allan Carmichael, Riverside Avenue, Bible Hill and Mrs. Guy Dunham 141 Brunswick Street, Truro; are nieces of the deceased.
The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Mattatall Funeral Home 55 Young Street with Rev. W. McN. Matthews officiating. Intentment at Robie Street Vault.
(Halifax papers please copy)
Truro Daily News March 2, 1944, page 8)