Re: Correction to previous message! Should have been Yorke to Yo_ rke

Hi Jim:

I saw the correction to Yorke-Yorke after I answered Cora.

Cora wanted to know who Harry Burton Yorke's mother was so when you didn't
reply to her query, I answered instead. Hope you didn't mind?


On 13-08-26 8:09 PM, "James E. Welsh" <welsh793@...> wrote:

> Dave,I sent a correction on Aug. 21.if that what Corais asking?
> Jim
> On 8/21/2013 2:12 AM, Jim Welsh wrote:
>> Sent to late in the day and I didn't check thoroughly. Should be Yorke
>> to Yorke Marriage.
>> Thank you for letting me know. Jim
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> *From:* Jim Welsh <mailto:welsh793@...
>> <>>
>>> *To:* nscumber <
>> <>>
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 20, 2013 6:22 PM
>>> *Subject:* [nscumber] Yorke/Porter marriage
>>> Someone can use it?
>>> <>
>>> NSARM, NS Cumberland County Marriages
>>> Registration Year: 1915 - Book: 37 - Page: 765
>>> Harry Burton Yorke, 23, s, farmer, Baptist, Liv., Fox River, b., Wharton
>>> s/o Wm & Annie Yorke, farmer
>>> married 20 Oct 1915, by lic., Parrsboro, Cumberland; Lic., 37765
>>> Wit.:Etta J. Porter; Margaret Todd
>>> Rev. B.J. Porter, Methodist
>>> Gertrude Yorke, 21, s, Liv., Diligent River,b., Diligent River
>>> d/o Thomas & Elizabeth Yorke, farmer
>>> Collected by James Welsh, 8/20/2013
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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