Bedford Angus Dwyer of Amherst
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: Bedford Angus Dwyer of Amherst
- From: "David Winter" <David_Winter_uid1419@yahoogroups.inv_ alid>
- Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2012 19:12:40 -0000
Amherst Daily News, Wednesday, September 8, 1926, pg. #(un-numbered); Reel
#2659, NSARM, Halifax, N.S.
OBITUARY: Bedford Dwyer
Many old friends heard with regret of the death of Bedford Dwyer, Upper
Church St., on Sunday. Mr. Dwyer was 78 years of age and had been in failing
health for some time. He was known to many people as caretaker of Highland
Cemetery, a position he held for a great many years and in which he gave
great satisfaction. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Angus of
Juniper, N.B., and Fred of Houlton, Maine. The funeral took place yesterday
afternoon and was attended by many old friends of the deceased. There were a
number of beautiful floral tributes including; pillow, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Dwyer; wreath, Amherst Cemetery Company; cut flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Shipley; cut flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKenzie and family; cut flowers,
Mr. and Mrs. George Fairfax and family; cut flowers, Mr. and Mrs. C.H.
Source: Dave Winter, 1 Oct 2012