Skidmore - MacDonald wedding
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: Skidmore - MacDonald wedding
- From: "everittdeb" <_uid315@yahoogroups.invalid>
- Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 20:37:31 -0000
A wedding of much interest for friends in Cumberland and Colchester Counties took place Wednesday afternoon Nov. 26, 1:30 o'clock at the Immanuel Baptist parsonage, Truro where Rev. H. V. Hutchinson united in marriage Orie Edna daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. MacDonald, of Port Howe and Lawrence M. Skidmore, son of Mrs. Frank Brown, of Southbrook.
The bride was attractively attired in a street length dress of Royal Blue velvet with accessories to match.
They were attended by the groom's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown, Southbranch.
The bride, prior to marriage, was employed at Lewis Ltd. and the groom has his own trucking service in Port Howe.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Skidmore left on a motor trip to P. E. Island. On their return the happy couple will reside in Port Howe.
(Truro Daily News November 29, 1941, page 3)