Could you give me the address for Scott Miller's web page?
Thank You
Paul Raymond
--- In, Gerry Mattinson <gmattins@...> wrote:
> I don't think the following obituary has been posted before:
> Nov. 6, 1919 Oxford Journal (posted on Scott C. Miller's web site):
> Mrs. William Miller passed away at her home on Friday morning, after a short illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Rushton, the latter being a daughter, cared for deceased in her last days. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, Rev. W.E. Scott conducting the service. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends. The hymns sung were Jesus, Lover of My Soul and Abide with Me. The burial occurred at Pine Grove Cemetery. The near surviving relatives are two sons, George, of New Glasgow and William of New Glasgow, and two daughters, Mrs. John Rushton and Mrs. Robert Dixson of Oxford; also John N. Mattinson and James Mattinson, Mount Pleasant, brothers, and one sister, Mrs. Hunsley, East Leicester.
> Hope this helps someone,
> Gerry
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]