Obit (1964) - Clinton Allan MATTINSON
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: Obit (1964) - Clinton Allan MATTINSON
- From: "Gerry Mattinson" <Gerry_Mattinson_uid905@yahoogroups_ .invalid>
- Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 02:23:14 -0000
I don't think the following obituary has been posted before:
July 30, 1964 Oxford Journal:
The death of Clinton Allan Mattinson occurred at All Saints Hospital, Springhill, on Saturday morning, July 25, following a long illness. Born at Mount Pleasant 74 years ago, he was a son of the late Smith and Sarophine Mattinson, and lived all his life in Mount Pleasant and Oxford. Of a cheery, friendly disposition, Mr. Mattinson had many friends who are saddened by his passing. He had been confined to bed for several years. He is survived by one sister Mary (Mrs. Maynard King) of Oxford, and one brother, George of Toronto. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from Black's Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Rev. David Morrison, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene. The pallbearers were Dewey Mattinson, Clinton Mattinson, Guy Mattinson and Orland Fraser of Oxford, Guy Mattinson of Toronto and Ted Mattinson of New Glasgow.
Hope this helps someone,
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