Obit (1951) - Howard Waldo MacLEOD

I don't think the following obituary has been posted before:

Oct. 25, 1951 Oxford Journal:
There passed away at Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, on Wednesday, Oct. 10th, Howard W. MacLeod of Oxford Jct., at the age of thirty-nine.  He was the only son of the late Alexander H. MacLeod and Ivey (Mattinson) MacLeod of Pugwash Jct.  He was a telegrapher of the C.N. Railways for the past twenty-one years, being stationed at Oxford Jct., for the past eight years.  He is survived by his wife, his mother, and sister Phyllis (Mrs. Warren Allen).  The funeral was  held from Mundle's Funeral Home, Pugwash on Sunday, Oct. 14th, and was largely attended.  The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. D.B. Tupper of Oxford, assisted by members of Widow's Son Lodge No. 48 A.F. and A.M. of River Philip of which he was a member.  Hymns sung were, "Rock of Ages" and "Abide With Me".  The pall bearers were brothers, Harry Ripley, Kenneth Roach, Varian Smith, Joe King, Colin Ripley and Henderson King, all members of the Masonic Order.  The flowers were
beautiful and many.  They included ...

Hope this helps someone,

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