George Dow Morwick of Advocate

Toledo Maggie tweaked my Morwick interest.

I'm assuming George Dow Morwick was named after his maternal grandfather,
Capt. Dowe D. Roop.

Previously, I only had George's wife as Myrtle from the 1911 Census as I
couldn't locate a marriage record for George and Myrtle.

George Don[sic] Morwick died 8 Oct 1942, County Home, Pugwash as a
["married" crossed out]"widower". He had been a patient in the home for 1
1/2 years. The informant on the death record was his sister, Molly Baughn
Morwick but Smith & Son list Molly as "mother" when Molly is younger than
George. Makes me believe Smith & Son signed Molly's name for her as whoever
filled out the form, it's mostly all in the same handwriting, including the
informant's signature.

The registered birth for Ronald Keith Morwick, born Parrsboro 11 Apr 1911
lists parents as George Dow Morwick and Myrtle Evelyn Bentley.

There's a 14 Dec 1948 Delayed Registered Birth Application for Myrtle
Bentley, born 27 Jun 1887 in Port Greville; d/o George Edward Bentley and
Clara Evelyn Merriam. Myrtle is in Northampton, Mass. in 1948. The
application looks to have another surname "white-washed" out and looks like
it could be Morwick.

Looking in another Advocate genealogy file I have access to, this same
Myrtle Bentley is m/1 to a Howe Morwick with no other info, other than there
was issue of a son, William. Could Howe Morwick and George Dow Morwick be
the same gentleman? Someone misheard Dow and wrote in Howe?

Any good BENTLEY Researchers out there know if both Mable Bentley's are
indeed the same lady?

Did Myrtle leave George, taking the two children Stateside as he died a
["married" crossed out]"widower" and Myrtle is possibly still alive?

Thanks in advance.

Automated Genealogy Version;
1911 Cumberland County Census, Parrsboro West family MORRIOT
(Corrected to Morwick)
27 108 Mosnick? George M Head M Jan 1887 24 1901
28 108 Mosnick? Myrtle F Wife M Jun 1886 25 1901
29 108 Mosnick? Madeline F Daughter S May 1907 3 1901
30 108 Mosnick? Garth M Son S Apr 1911 3/12 1901
(Bad transcription error for Keith - ie, Ronald Keith Morwick