Obit (
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: Obit (
- From: "Gerry Mattinson" <Gerry_Mattinson_uid905@yahoogroups_ .invalid>
- Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 13:42:39 -0000
I don't think the following obituary has been posted before:
July 11, 1936 Lowell Courier-Citizen, Lowell, MA (image received from Ben Moseley):
H. Craig Johnson, a resident of this city for the past 42 years, and residing at 102 Sayles street, died yesterday at the Lowell General hospital, aged 49 years, 1 month, and 28 days. He is survived by his wife, Esther E. (Dahlgren) Johnson; two daughters, Anita Ruth and Elaine Louise Johnson, of Lowell; his mother, Annie L. Johnson, of Lowell, and one brother, Reginald Johnson, of Lynn. He was a member of Kilwinning Lodge, A.F. and A.M., Fellowship class of Calvary Baptist church, and was secretary of the Lowell Protestant Church Bowling league for many years. Mr. Johnson has worked at the commercial stitching business for the past 20 years, and since April 1932, had conducted his own business in Middle street.
NOTE: Craig was born in Claremont, Cumberland Co., the s/o Merritt Keith Johnson & Annie Laura Cove. GFM
Hope this helps someone,
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