Thanks. I see Dr. Archibald most Mondays at the Archives and usually sit to
his right at one of the new readers so will compare notes next coming week.
Since you did the 1911 census transcription below:
Automated Genealogy Version;
1911 Cumberland County Census, Rodney family #8, ARCHIBALD:
46 8 Archibald Joseph M Head M Feb 1873 38 1901
47 8 Archibald Lizie F Wife M Jul 1872 39 1901
48 8 Archibald Samuel M Son S Oct 1894 16 1901
49 8 Archibald Gertrude F Daughter S Mar 1895 15 1901
50 8 Archibald Bertha F Daughter S Jan 1901 10 1901
1 Archibald Mable F Daughter S Oct 1904 6 1901
I think it¹s safe to say Mabel Archibald (on the next page) is a d/o Joseph
and Lizzie. The census enumerator just forgot to enter the family #.
Thanks again. I¹ll make the James George connection to Parrsboro one of
these days.
On 04/10/11 12:37 PM, "Penny Lane" <plane001@...> wrote:
> Hi Dave and all, Joseph Harvey Archibald and Elizabeth Evelyn George
> are indeed Mabel Lois Archibald's parents. Dr Marble states that E E
> George was known as Lizzie d/o James and Lydia Slack George. Joseph and
> Lizzie married in 1894 in Quincy Mass..[ his source: Mass Marriages].
> She died in 1959. [ his source: headstone inscription Rodney
> Cemetery]..Joseph in 1928. He also goes on to say that Joseph went to
> the USA in 1890 and was a teamster in 1900 at Quincy. Joseph H
> Archibald was a s/o Asa Daniel Archibald and Lavinia MacLean. Joseph and
> Elizabeth George Archibald had 7 children:
> 1.Samuel James Archibald b. 20 Oct 1895 d. 4 Dec 1963
> 2. Gertrude Louise Archibald b. dec1896 d 2 may 1934 married Robert Earl
> Patton. lived at Springhill and had 6 children. Seward Allen, Edith
> Natalie, Evelyn Elizabeth, Josephine Ruby, Shirley Aileen, Violet Bertha
> 3. Harace W Archibald b. 17 Jan 1898 d. Quincy, Mass 2 Dec 1898
> 4. Mildred Archibald, b. 25 May 1900 d. Quincy Mass. 19 June 1900
> 5. Bertha Olive Archibald. b. 19 Jan 1901 d. 27 Feb 1972 married Daniel
> Angus MacDonald 19 June 1934
> 6. Evelyn Archibald died as an infant
> 7. Mabel Lois Archibald b. 24 Oct 1905 d. Brampton, Ontario on 8 May
> 1990, married Horace[Hance] Cecil Ryan 14 sept 1927, children: Kenneth,
> Dorothy, and Hollis
> Source: The Archibald's of Nova Scotia by Dr. Allan E. Marble, published
> in 2008 .I have a copy of Dr Marble's book if you need more
> details....Penny Lane, Hamilton, Ont
> --- In <> , David
> Winter <davidwinter@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > I feel this is GEORGE related back to Parrsboro but like Eric, I just
>> > haven't turned over the right stone yet to make the connection.
>> >
>> > Feel Mabel's mother, Elizabeth Evelyn George is a sibling to Frank
> George,
>> > born 23 Mar 1873, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A., and Hattie Jane (George)
> Slack
>> > Johns.
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