SLACK, Sanford Ivan 1896-1946
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: SLACK, Sanford Ivan 1896-1946
- From: "Eric Keys" <Eric_Keys_uid84@yahoogroups.invalid>
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 20:15:33 -0000
I have his mother m/2 to John H Johns with one half-sister, Myrtle
Hattie Johns.
Hattie George is d/o James George & Lydia Slack.
I believe Lydia (mother of Hattie) and Archibald (father of Ezra) might
be siblings, thereby making the newlyweds first cousins.
NSARM death registrations (Cumberland Co)
Year: 1946 Page: 1943
Name: SLACK, Sanford Ivan
DoB: 1896-10-15 NS
DoD: 1946-02-18 Springhill, NS (ASH)
Age: 49y 4m 3d
Cause: myocarditis (acute); rheumatic fever/pneumonia with pleurisy
Occupation: farmer
Marital status: single
c/o: Ezra Slack (NS) & Hattie George (NS)
Burial: 1946-02-20 Springhill, NS
Undertaker: A H Brown, Springhill, NS
Informant: Mrs J H Johns, mother, Springhill, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2011-09-29]
NSARM marriage registrations (Cumberland Co)
Year: 1893 Book: 1810 Page: 104 Number: 67
Groom: SLACK, Ezra E, 20, b, miner
living Springhill, NS; born New Brunswick
s/o Arch & Barbara, section man
Bride: GEORGE, Hattie J, 19, s
[indexed as GEORGES]
living Folly Lake, NS; born Folly Lake, NS
d/o James & Lydia, sea captain
married 1893-06-28 Springhill, NS
before Mrs H B Smith
by Rev H B Smith, Baptist
[collected by EMKeys 2011-09-29]
Automated Genealogy
1901 Cumberland (NS) census, Springhill, # 118, SLACK:
14 10 118 Slack Ezra E. M Head M Nov 6 1873 27
14 11 118 Slack Cathi J. F Wife M Oct 30 1873
24 (Hattie J)
14 12 118 Slack Sanford M Son S Oct 15 1896 04
(Sanford Ivan)
14 13 118 Slack Bertha F Daughter S Oct 28 1899 01
14 14 118 Slack Elsie F Sister S Feb 27 1885 16
Automated Genealogy
1901 Cumberland (NS) census, Nappan, # 172, SLACK:
18 23 172 Slack Archibald M Head M Apr 7 1848 53
18 24 172 Slack Barbary F Wife M Dec 14 1853 47
(Barbara Jane)
***18 25 172 Slack Ezra M Son S Nov 6 1873 17
(Ezra counted at home and with Hattie in Springhill???)***
18 26 172 Slack Arthur M Son S Mar 11 1881 20
18 27 172 Slack Maud F Daughter S Sep 15 1888 12
18 28 172 Slack Charles M Son S Oct 4 1892 08
18 29 172 Slack Roy M Son S Sep 15 1896 04
18 30 172 Slack Ida F Daughter S Dec 4 1898 02