Halvorsen - Halversen

Hello Dave,

A Halverson family (Halver Halversen) came from Norway and the Halvorsen (Elizabeth Halvorsen) family came from Germany.  Maybe the community (including Mr. Moss) just got it confused like your Winter/Winters and my Mattinson/Matheson name.


From: David Winter <davidwinter@...>
To: nscumber <nscumber@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 9:23:26 PM
Subject: Re: [nscumber] DeBaie - Meekins of Springhill


Thanks for the middle name.

Is it spelt Halvorsen or Halverson?

The marriage record is signed by the bride as Halvorsen. The Springhill Moss
Journal is Halvorsen. Yet her father is Halverson.

Springhill¹s Moss Journal:
DeBaie, John (Mrs.) December 24, 1970 Dec. 28, 1913/4 56 y Halvorsen, Eliz.
K. NS b. Germany d/o Wendel; d. Milton, Ontario
Springhill¹s Moss Journal:
Halverson, Robert Frederick March 29, 1955 September 16, 1884 71 y
Swallenburg, Eliz. h/w HC b. Hamburg, Germany; immig.1913; Springhill

On 21/09/11 10:05 PM, "Earle Brown" <earle.brown@...> wrote:

> Her daughter says her name was Elizabeth Kathleen Halverson; she was born in
> Germany and came to Springhill as an infant.
> On 2011-09-20, at 10:26 PM, Eric Keys wrote:
>> Dave:
>> John Henry DeBaie born 1907-02-18 Springhill, NS married married
>> Elizabeth K Halvorsen 1930-03-03 Springhill, NS - both on NSARM, not
>> transcribed yet!
>> Eric
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> On 19/09/2011 7:03 PM, David Winter wrote:
>>> I have John DeBaie, born (?); m/1 Eliza K. Halverson
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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