Obit: Hayden A Stewart

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Worcester Telegram & Gazette (MA) - August 16, 1991 Deceased Name: HAYDEN A. STEWART, 78

MILLBURY - Hayden A. Stewart, 78, of 1 Wilson Road died Wednesday night in Beaumont Nursing Home in Northbridge after an illness. He leaves his wife, Myrna E. (Pickett) Stewart; a son, James H. Stewart of Worcester; two daughters, Susan J. Daley of Worcester and Joyce C. Sagona of Clearwater, Fla.; a sister, Gladys Carter in Nova Scotia, Canada; four grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; nephews and nieces. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were married May 24, 1930. He was born in Chignecto, Nova Scotia, son of Arthur and Rebecca (MacDonald) Stewart, and lived here 59 years. He was a painter for 25 years for E.J. Cross Co. in Worcester, retiring in 1975. He previously was a driver for several years for the former B&W Bus Lines, based in Worcester. Mr. Stewart was a life member of Singletary Rod & Gun Club in Oxford. He was a member of the American Association of Retired Persons and Local 48, Painters Union, in Worcester. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow from Turgeon Funeral Home, 64 Main St. The Rev. J.V. Davis will officiate. Burial will be in Central Cemetery. Calling hours are 9 to 10 a.m. tomorrow at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 7 Oak St., Worcester, 01609.

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