Re: Parrsboro Record Newspaper, 1944

--- In, Kathryn Jeffers <k.jeffers@...> wrote:
> Some Vital Statistics from the Parrsboro Record Newspaper, year 1944.
> In Alphabet order.
> Jpeg images available.
> ******************
> ************
> Wedding
> Groom - Pte. Cecil Maurice Anderson of Parrsboro, s/o Mrs Sadie Anderson and James Anderson of
> Parrsboro.
> Bride - Theolinde Marin, of Rustico
> Place - Rustico Convent Chapel, Rustico, PEI
> (Published Tuesday, 10 Oct 1944, pg 2)

Is it possible to get clarification on the name: Theolinde Marin or Martin.

My grandfather was a Martin with connections to PEI. While I knew the Anderson's, I don't recall any mention of a family connection but if the name is Martin there could be.
