I have her given name as Emily but have no surname recorded. - Eric

NSARM death registrations (Cumberland Co)
Year: 1916 Book: 41 Page: 357 Number: 1448
Name: McLELLAN, Mrs Baxter
[indexed as Mrs Barter McLellan]
DoB: est 1860 England
DoD: 1916-06-18 Spencer's Island, NS
Age: 54y
Cause: chronic nephritis; acute uraemia
Occupation: housewife
Marital status: married
Spouse: Baxter McLellan
Burial: Advocate Harbour, NS
Undertaker: S R Canning, Advocate Hbr, NS
Informant: M J Fillmore, MD 1916-06-19
[collected by EMKeys 2011-01-30]