GREER - TRASK marriage

NSARM marriage registrations (Cumberland Co)
Year: 1923 Book: 42 Page: 764
Groom: GREER, Allison Norris, 23, b, carpenter, Methodist Episcopal
[indexed as GREEN, Allison Morris]
living Joggins, born Joggins
s/o Sydney Greer (Joggins) & Annie Skinner
Bride: TRASK, Elsie, 20, s, clerk, CoE
living Joggins, born ENG
d/o James Trask (ENG) & Susan Rees
married 1923-08-21 Church of the Holy Name, Joggins, NS
before Harmon Coleman, Mary J Trask
by C M Baird, CoE, Dorchester, NB
[collected by EMKeys 2011-01-29]

Greer family ties back into TAGGART family of Parrsboro, NS...