Hi Jim:
Did you mean to date your items, 1/28/2011, not 2010?
On the first marriage record, Clara Maude Card¹s parents are Harvey M. Card
and Maggie Hopkins. On the website, it appears to be Henry H. Card who m/1
Maggie Hopkins on 14 Jul 1898, Presbyterian, Springhill. Henry H. Card was
born Amherst and s/o Charles and Melinda Card.
On the third marriage record, should it be Reuben Francis Spence¹s wife,
Lillian May Carde¹s father, Charles W. Carde who married Melinda Lockhart?
Charles Arthur Spence¹s mother was nee Lillian May Carde of Amherst and his
wife was nee Sarah Maude Card of Springhill.
Did Charles Arthur Spence marry his mother¹s younger sister and his
On 1/28/11 12:31 PM, "Jim Welsh" <welsh793@...> wrote:
> NSARM, NS, Cumberland County Marriage Registration
> Registration Year: 1921 - Book: 39 - Page: 615
> Charles A. Spence, 19, s, miner, Baptist, liv., Joggins, b., Springhill
> s/o Reuben Spence, Parrsboro, & Lily Card
> married 9 April 1921, at home of groom, Joggins, by lic., 3171
> wit: Miss Emmer Dunbar, Joggins Mines; Miss Gertrude L. Loyd, Joggins Mines
> Clara M. Carde, 16, s, housekeeper, liv., Springhill, b., Springthill
> Rev. John F. MacDonald, Joggins, Presbyterian
> d/o Harvey M. Card, Amherst & Maggie Hapkins
> Collected by James Welsh, 1/28/2010
> father of Clara
> NSARM, NS, Cumberland County Marriage Registration
> Registration Year: 1898 - Book: 1810 - Page: 186 - Number: 33
> Reuben F. Spence, 20, s, miner, liv., Springhill, b., Parrsboro
> s/o Samuel & Mary, mining
> married 15 Mar 1898. Springhill Baptist, by lic.,
> wit: John Campbell; Laura Sence
> Rev. J.W. Bancroft
> Lillian May Card, 19, s, liv., Springhill, b., Amherst
> d/o Charles & Melinda, wellborer
> Collected by James Welsh, 1/28/2010
> NSARM, NS, Cumberland County Marriage Registration
> Registration Year: 1875 - Book: 1809 - Page: 119 - Number: 117
> Charles W. Card, 33, w, Mason, liv., Amherst, b., Amherst
> s/o William & Rebecca, copper
> married 10 Aug 1875,Baptist Ch., Amherst, by lic.
> wit: Thomas Davidson; George Fulton
> Rev. Charle Naismith ?
> Melinda Lockhart, 28, s, liv. River Philip, b., ng
> d/o William & Cynthia, farmer
> Collected by James Welsh, 1/28/2010
> 1881 Census, Amherst, family 232, Card
> 668 Amherst B 232 Card Charles 39 M
> 668 Amherst B 232 Card Malinda 33 M
> 668 Amherst B 232 Card Lalia 13
> 668 Amherst B 232 Card Ada 11
> 668 Amherst B 232 Card Harvey 3
> 668 Amherst B 232 Card Lillie 2
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