Laura Beatrice (Dowe) Lake; Dowe related

Since posting this obit almost a year ago on 1 Feb 2010, I have been in
recent contact with a family member and have some spelling corrections to
note at the bottom of their mother's obit.

Chronicle Herald, Saturday, April 12, 1980, pg. #58; Reel #6121, NSARM,
Halifax, N.S.
OBITUARY: Mrs. Herbert Lake
Fox River - Mrs. Herbert Lake, 62, of Fox River, died Friday in the Victoria
General Hospital, Halifax. Born in Yorke Settlement, she was the former
Laura Beatrice Dowe, a daughter of Corbie and Bertha (Smith) Dowe. Besides
her parents, she is survived by five daughters, Madeline (Mrs. Laurie
Varner), Diligent River; Annabelle (Mrs. Richard Hamilton), and Betty Ann
(Mrs. Allan DeWitt), both of Parrsboro; Mrs. Valerie Tibbetts, Dartmouth;
and Dorothy, (Mrs. Maxwell Ross), Parrsboro Shore; four sons, Phillip and
Walter, both of Port Greville; Allen, New Canaan; and Anthony, Fox River;
three sisters, Barbara (Mrs. Arnold Warren), and Hazel (Mrs. Lloyd
McCulley), both of Belmont; Leola (Mrs. Eric Wright), Dartmouth; two
brothers, Aubrey, Milford; Allison, Parrsboro; 22 grandchildren and four
great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband and a brother,
Murray. The body will be in Smith's Funeral Home, Parrsboro, after 2 p.m.
Sunday. Funeral service will be held Monday at 2 p.m. In Holy Trinity
Anglican Church, Rev. Whitney Trueman officiating. Burial will be in the
church cemetery. Donations may be made to Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Memorial Fund.

Source: Dave Winter, 1 Feb 2010; reposted 23 Jan 2011 with spelling
Note: As published; "Allan DeWitt" should be Allen DeWitt - son, "Phillip"
Lake should be Philip Lake - son, "Allen" Lake should be Alan Lake