Blenkhorn - Frizzell Marriage; Willigar related

NSARM Hants Co. Marriages, 1934; Book #72; Page #178
Earl William Blenkhorn, Cook, b, 24, C of E
Living Parrsboro; Born Hantsport
S/o Medley Blenkhorn, Parrsboro, and Lena Duncan
Bessie Evelyn Frizzell, s, 21, UC of C
Living Windsor; Born Windsor
D/o Frederick Frizzell, Windsor, and Liza Selby
Married 25 Feb 1934, Christ Church Rectory, Windsor
Before Pearl Smith and Vera Frederick, both of Windsor
License #27336
By Rev. W.W. Clarkson, Windsor, C of E

Source: Dave Winter, 7 Jan 2010