I¹m not sure.
However, for Eric¹s query, I have accumulated a small file of Blenkhorns
because my maternal aunt, Hazel Ester Berry m/1 Raymond LeRoy Dawson.
Hazel¹s oldest sister, Parthenia May Berry m/1 Robert Burns MacPhee, born
Springhill 1890, on 23 Dec 1910 with issue of a son, Edward Blenkhorn; m/2
Harold Walter Blenkhorn, born 1893 Fenwick, on (?) with issue of a son,
Thomas Blenkhorn, born 1939.
Could ³Faith² be a nickname for Parthenia May and Thomas is Harold Thomas
On 1/8/11 8:40 PM, "Ruth Hoeg" <ruthhoeg@...> wrote:
> I don't know if this is the same Harold Blenkhorn or not, but there is a
> family of Blenkhorns in Athol. Harold, Arnold, Charles Blenkhorn - 3 sons of
> Cecil and Anna Blenkhorn. Arnold is around 89 or so and still lives in Athol,
> Charles is deceased, Harold lives in Ontario I believe. Is there a connection?
> Ruth
> --- On Fri, 1/7/11, Eric Keys <keysie@...
> <> > wrote:
> From: Eric Keys <keysie@... <> >
> Subject: [nscumber] BLENKHORN - HARMER marriage
> To: "nscumber" < <> >
> Received: Friday, January 7, 2011, 10:08 PM
> Another BLENKHORN that I can't connect (yet!)...
> ===========================
> PANB marriage registrations (Westmorland Co)
> Number: 1130 Ref: B4/1960 Microfilm: F24374
> Groom: BLENKHORN, Harold Thomas, 20, b, floor refinisher, Presbyterian
> living Moncton, born Maccan NS
> s/o Harold Blenkhorn (Springhill NS) & Faith Berry
> and
> Bride: HARMER, Coleen Carole, 18, s, civil service, Presbyterian
> living Moncton, born Saint John
> d/o Cedric Harmer (Norton) & Inez Dalton
> married 1960-01-23 St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Moncton NB
> before Mrs Jamieson Miller, G Jamieson Miller
> by Rev Lawrence Blaikie, Presbyterian, Moncton NB
> [collected by EMKeys 2011-01-07]
> ===========================
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]