Re: Owen & Lillian Porter, Hants Co., Nova Scotia

Hi, I was wondering who the parents of Owen were? The Porters from Advocate & Spencer,s Island are my line and I have been also following the Porters from the Valley. Cora

--- In, DR <drafuse@...> wrote:
> I have a picture of their headstone from the Upper Falmouth Centre Cemetery.
> Owen B. Porter, b. 1875 - d. Nov. 1938.
> Wife, Lilliam, b. 1876 - d. Sept. 1908.
> If anyone would like to have this picture, I will mail or email it to you
> immediately. They have a massive stone.
> Just let me know.
> D. Rafuse
> Dartmouth, NS
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]