Re: Passenger List - Brig. Jessie - 1818

I'm at other home in Florida...don't have my file. The Captain of the Jesse was Lyons. Cal Moore has more info. More important is an article that my cousin , Bina Burns, Brander, Brownell who is 92 spotted in "The Citizen" dated November 6,2010. She related that the article told of a new head stone found by a man cutting grass at the old church in Linden. She indicated it may have something to do with the mystery of Sally Troup's grave site. Doesn't anyone have any information?
Also, I plan to go to Newtonards, N. Ireland next September. Are there any leads for me to follow up on?

Walter C. Burns

On Jan 2, 2011, at 11:30 AM, Valerie Henley <valhenley@...> wrote:

> I have this info somewhere. I will have to dig it out for you and if I don't
> please remind me.
> John Moore and Sophie Angus Moore who settled in Linden came on that ship. If
> memory serves me correctly it landed in NB.
> Valerie Henley-Newell
> ________________________________
> From: dontabor58 <don.tabor@...>
> To:
> Sent: Sun, January 2, 2011 10:05:36 AM
> Subject: [nscumber] Passenger List - Brig. Jessie - 1818
> I am trying to find the passenger list for the above named ship, however, I am
> not having much must be my searching skills (or lack thereof). Can
> anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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