Death: WEEKS, Julia [née HENWOOD] & WEEKS, James _ H
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: Death: WEEKS, Julia [née HENWOOD] & WEEKS, James _ H
- From: "Eric Keys" <Eric_Keys_uid84@yahoogroups.invalid>
- Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 00:12:11 -0000
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1926 Book: 107 Page: 1545
Name: WEEKS, Julia
DoB: 1850-08-25 NS
DoD: 1926-05-06 Amherst NS
Age: 76y 9m 12d
Cause: pneumonia
Occupation: housekeeper
Marital status: married
c/o: Charles Henwood (Halfway River) & Annie Stillman (Halfway River)
Burial: 1926-05-09 Highland,
Undertaker: T S Furlong
Informant: Ira Travis, son-in-law, Amherst
[collected by EMKeys 2010-12-30]
her husband died 3 days later:
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1926 Book: 107 Page: 1547
Name: WEEKS, James
DoB: 1841-03-30 Halfway River NS (age calculates to 1851)
DoD: 1926-05-09 Amherst NS
Age: 75y 1m 10d
Cause: pneumonia
Occupation: farmer
Marital status: widowered
c/o: Edward Weeks (Halfway River) & Ann Duyre? (Baffin Island)
Burial: 1926-05-12 Amherst NS
Undertaker: T S Furlong
Informant: Ira Travis, son-in-law, Amherst NS
[collected by EMKeys 2010-12-30]
The informant, their son-in-law, Ira Travis, lost his wife in January
1926 (see earlier posting).