Olla Rowena Lorraine
- To: nscumber@yahoogroups.invalid
- Subject: Olla Rowena Lorraine
- From: "David Winter" <David_Winter_uid1419@yahoogroups.inv_ alid>
- Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 23:13:00 -0000
I have her father as George Taylor "Guy" Lorraine, s/o Capt. William Soley
Lorraine, born Onslow, Colchester Co. and Almira Elizabeth Spicer, born
Spencer's Island. Cumberland Co.
PANB marriage registrations (Charlotte Co.)
Number: 3312 Ref: B4/1928 Microfilm: F19694
Groom: Ross Fulton Sinclair, Farmer, b, 22, Methodist
Living Baring, Me.; Born Baring, Me.
S/o Fulton Sinclair, Flume Ridge, N.B., and Dolly Brockway
Bride: Olla Rowena Lorraine, At Home, s, 17, Baptist
Living Bailleyville, Me.; Born Bailleyville, Me.
D/o Guy Lorraine, Lynn, Mass., and Margaret Whiteknoct
Married 22 Aug 1928, Manse, Monks St., St. Stephen, N.B.
License #11136
Before Charles A. Sinclair, Calais, Me., and Guy T. Lorraine, Bailleyville,
By Rev. C.R.F. MacLennan, St. Stephen, N.B., UC of C
[Collected by Dave Winter, 28 Dec 2010]