Re: Rita Rushton; one time resident of Parrsboro

Rita Brown-Rushton-Walsh's mother?

NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1958 Page: 2447
Name: BROWN, Etta May
DoB: 1895-05-30 NS
DoD: 1958-04-02 Parrsboro, NS
Age: 62y 10m 3d
Cause: chronic myocarditis/colitis
Occupation: housewife/invalid (5y)
Marital status: married
Spouse: Clarence Brown
c/o: John William Lewis (NS) & Sarah Ellen MacAloney (NS)
Burial: 1958-04-04 Springhill, NS
Undertaker: S W Smith, Parrsboro
Informant: Clarence Brown, husband, Parrsboro
[collected by EMKeys 2009-09-09]

On 27/12/2010 11:25 PM, lori wrote:
> Hi Dave
> I have this little bit, hipe it helps. If I locate anything else I will send it on.
> The Chronicle-Herald/The Mail-Star
> Published: 06/16/93
> RUSHTON, Clarence Leslie - 49, Halifax, died June 15, 1993, at home.
> Born in Springhill, he was a son of Rita (Brown)(Rushton) Walsh, Halifax and the late Ross Herbert Rushton.
> He is survived by his stepfather, Thomas F. Walsh, Halifax; two sons, Ross Herbert, Vancouver, B.C.; Christopher John, Hillsborough, N.B.; daughter, Virginia Lohnes, Halifax. Cremation has taken place under the direction of Atlantic Funeral Home, Halifax.
> A graveside memorial service will be held at a later date in Diligent River Cemetery, Cumberland County.
> Donations may be made to Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia.
> Lori
> --- In, David Winter<davidwinter@...> wrote:
>> Would anyone have a Rita/Reta Rushton in their files?
>> She was married to a Tom Walsh/Welch/Welsh.
>> When living in Parrsboro, she lived "near the railway tracks".
>> Tom died a number of years ago but Rita/Reta is believed to still be alive
>> and would be age 94/96 today.
>> Thanks.
>> Dave
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