Karl M DOWE and the HEIGHTS of Digby County

Karl Dowe's father:
NSARM Kings County death registrations
Year: 1951 Page: 4712
Name: DOWE, James Lemuel
DoB: 1877-03-31 NS
DoD: 1951-09-16 Wolfville, NS
Age: 74y 5m 15d
Cause: coronary thrombosis/arteriosclerosis/hypertension
Occupation: retired barber
Marital status: married
Spouse: Minnie Cecilia Dowe
c/o: Samuel Dowe (NS) & "not known"
Burial: 1951-09-20 Hantsport, NS
Undertaker: R D Lindsay
Informant: Karl M Dowe, son, Hantsport
[collected by EMKeys 2010-01-30]

Lois Height-Nowlan's father's m/2:

NSARM Digby County marriage registrations
Year: 1910 Book: 3 Page: 516
Groom: HEIGHT, Herman, 28, w, labourer
living North Range, born North Range
s/o Buchim & Hannah Height, farmer
Bride: MARSHALL, Wealthy A, 32, w
living South Range, born South Range
d/o B???y & Liza Sabean, lumberman
married 1910-11-23 South Range, NS
before Etta M Sabean, Joseph K Sabean
by Chas E Armstrong, Christian Church
[collected by EMKeys 2010-01-30]
I would venture a guess that Lois was adopted/fostered by the Nowlan family after her mother died.

Then her step-mother died and Dad married up again. He had 9 kids from his first wife so he married quickly, I guess!
NSARM Digby County marriage registrations
Year: 1911 Book: 3 Page: 613
Groom: HEIGHT, Frank Herman, 30, w, labourer, Baptist
living South Range, born North Range
s/o Beecham Height, farmer
Bride: HEIGHT, Cora Myrtle, 21, s, Baptist
living Plympton, born North Range
d/o Watson Height, farmer
married 1911-12-13 Plympton, NS
before Alex MacDonald, Charles A Height
by David W Dixon, Baptist
[collected by EMKeys 2010-01-30]

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