Hi Pam:

Ulric Rudolph Newcombe

b 1909-11-15 Nappan, Cumberland, NS
d 1976-09-10 Bridgetwon, Annapolis, NS

s/o Burgess Bouclare Newcombe & Wilhemina Mary McGee


Frances Alicia Merritt

b 1922-06-14 Port Williams, Kings, NS
d 1943-10-15 Nappan Station, Cumberland, NS

Interesting cause of death???
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1943 Book: 213 Page: 322
Name: NEWCOMBE, Frances A
DoB: 1922-06-14 Port Williams. NS
DoD: 1943-10-15 Nappan Station, NS
Age: 21y 4m 1d
Cause: dislocation of cervical vertibra
accident: scuffle, dislocation of cervical vertibra
Occupation: housewife
Marital status: married
Spouse: Ulric Newcombe
c/o: Archie Merritt & Mrs Merritt
Burial: 1943-10-18 Highland View Cemetery
Undertaker: R A Furlong
Informant: Ulric Newcombe, husband, Nappan Station
[collected by EMKeys 2009-03-15]

Two children:

Brenda Marie Newcombe b 1941
Malcolm Burgess Newcombe b 1942

That's all I have right now...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pam Gaudio" <gaudio@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 2:40 PM
Subject: RE: [nscumber] Obit: KNOWLTON, Ulric Clifton "Bud"-

Hi Eric,

Further to your curiosity about the name Ulric, do you have any further information on Ulric Rudolph Newcombe – he’s in my bunch?


From: [] On Behalf Of keysie
Sent: January 23, 2010 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [nscumber] Obit: KNOWLTON, Ulric Clifton "Bud"-


Just out of curiosity about the name Ulric, I decided to check my own database (94, 482 individuals) and found 3 people with Ulrich as a surname plus found:

a.. Byron Ulric Hatfield (1865- aft 1942)
b.. Arley Ulric Knowlton (1890-1969)
c.. Ulric Clifton Knowlton (1923-2010)
d.. Ulric Rudolph Newcombe (1909-1976)
e.. Ulrich "Rick" Nikolai (1946- )
f.. Ulrich Albert "Rick" Weber

My condolences on the loss of your father.

Eric Keys
Sydney NS

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sharon and Rob" <rweatherbee1@... <> >
To: < <> >
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [nscumber] Obit: KNOWLTON, Ulric Clifton "Bud"-

Thanks Marjorie. That is very interesting and fitting for my dad to be named Ulric..power of the wolf. He loved wildlife and wolves were one of his favorites. Also when dad howled ( yelled) he could be heard for miles like a wolf! LOL

My grandmother Nettie, always told us it was a gaelic name but I never really questioned it.She almost sounded as if it may have been used with other family members along the way although I haven't found any others

----- Original Message -----
From: Marjorie Lloyd
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [nscumber] Obit: KNOWLTON, Ulric Clifton "Bud"-

Hi Sharon,
So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.

Out of curiosity, I looked up the name Ulric online, and this is what I found -

It is of English and Old German origin, and its meaning is "power of the wolf"; "power of the home". Variant of Wulric (German), meaning "Wolf People". Ulric has 6 variant forms - Rick, Udo, Ullric, Ulrich, Ulrick and Ulrik.


--- On Fri, 1/22/10, Sharon and Rob <rweatherbee1@... <> > wrote:

From: Sharon and Rob <rweatherbee1@... <> >
Subject: Re: [nscumber] Obit: KNOWLTON, Ulric Clifton "Bud"-
To: <>
Received: Friday, January 22, 2010, 12:47 AM

Ulric "Bud" was my dad and we were always told it was a Gaelic name. He was a much loved man and will be sorrowly missed.

Sharon Knowlton

----- Original Message -----
From: David Winter
To: nscumber
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [nscumber] Obit: KNOWLTON, Ulric Clifton "Bud"-

Hi Read:

Thanks for the extra. I added it to my file.


On 1/21/10 4:03 PM, "Read Allen" <readallen@hfx. eastlink. ca> wrote:

> Dave,
> I don’t know how they came up with the name Ulric. Apparently it is an
> English version of a German name. I don’t see much German blood in Arlie’s
> lines. Perhaps it may have something to do with the fact that Arlie’s
> father and father’s brothers were all captains of large sailing vessels and
> sailed much of the world. Perhaps it was a name they picked up in their
> travels.
> Ulric “Bud” was my second cousin through is maternal grandmother Sarah
> Ambrozine Allen. I don’t know how they chose her middle name, but it wasn’t
> from sailing the world as the Allens were landlubbers. I am told my
> grandfather went to sea one time when he was young, was very seasick and
> never went back!
> Here are more records.
> ============ ========= ==
> NS Delayed Birth Registration
> Registration Year: 1891 - Page: 99000967
> Nettie Lillian Lunn, born Feb. 7, 1891 in Allenville, Cumberland County d/o
> Anthony Dimock Lunn and Sarah Ambrozene Allen. Father a carpenter, b. Salem
> and living in Allenville at the time of the birth and deceased at the time
> of registration. Affidavit by self Nettie Lillian (Lunn) Knowlton of East
> Advocate on Sept 23, 1955
> Source Read Allen
> ============ ========= ==
> NS Marriage Records
> Registration Year: 1916 - Book: 38 - Page: 82
> Nettie L. Lunn and Arlie Knowlton married Sept. 20, 1916 in Advocate
> Harbour, Cumberland County
> Groom Arlie U. Knowlton a bachelor age 25, Baptist, a labourer, b. and
> living in Advocate Harbour, s/o Obed (a master Mariner) and Ella Knowlton
> Bride Nettie L. Lunn a spinster age 25, Baptist, b. Spencer's Island and
> living in Advocate, d/o Anthony (a carpenter) and Sarah Lunn
> Clergyman Douglas T. Porter (United Baptist) and witnesses Mr. and Mrs
> Mitchell G. Morris
> Source Read Allen
> ============ ========= ==
> NS Marriage Records
> Registration Year: 1884 - Book: 1809 - Page: 251 - Number: 156
> Sarah A. Allen and Anthony D. Lunn married Oct. 29, 1884 in Allen Hill,
> Cumberland County
> Groom: Anthony D. Lunn, a bachelor age 23, a farmer, b. and living in Salem,
> s/o John (a farmer) and Ann
> Bride: Sarah A. Allen, a spinster age 17, b. and living in Spencers Island
> d/o Alfred (a farmer) and Hannah
> Clergyman Rev. J. W. Harvie (Methodist) and witnesses James W. Fillmore and
> Alfred Allen
> Source Read Allen
> ============ ========= ==
> Read
> _____
> From: nscumber@yahoogroup <mailto:nscumber% 40yahoogroups. com>
> [mailto:nscumber@yahoogroup <mailto:nscumber% 40yahoogroups. com> ] On
> Behalf
> Of David Winter
> Sent: January 20, 2010 7:47 PM
> To: nscumber
> Subject: Re: [nscumber] Obit: KNOWLTON, Ulric Clifton "Bud"-
> Eric:
> Thanks for the obit.
> Puzzled over the first name, I located his father¹s Delayed Registered Birth
> Application:
> ============ ==
> NSARM Cumberland Delayed Registered Birth, 1904; Page #68800486
> (Indexed as Archie Ulric Knowlton)
> Arlie Ulric Knowlton, born 16 Dec 1890, East Advocate
> S/o Obed Knowlton, born East Advocate, Master Mariner, and Ella Knowlton
> Affidavit signed by sister, Vilda Knowlton of East Advocate on 20 May 1927.
> Source: Dave Winter, 20 Jan 2010
> ============ ====
> Dave
> On 1/20/10 6:31 PM, "keysie" <keysie@... <mailto:keysie%40ns.sympatico>
> <mailto:keysie% 40ns.sympatico>
> <mailto:keysie% 40ns.sympatico. ca> .ca> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > KNOWLTON, Ulric Clifton "Bud"- 86 years, of High Crest Nursing Home,
>> > Springhill, passed away while surrounded by his loving family on Tuesday,
>> > January 19, 2010, in Cumberland Regional Health Care Center, Upper Nappan.
>> > Born in Advocate, he was a son of the late Arlie and Nettie (Lunn)
> Knowlton.
>> > Bud spent most of his working years in the auto body repair business and
> was
>> > owner and operator of Knowlton's Auto Body Shop in Springhill until his
>> > retirement in 1988. He was an adherent to Springhill Baptist Church and
>> > enjoyed hunting, fishing and summers at the family cottage in Five
> Islands. He
>> > was a member of the Springhill and Oxford Curling Clubs where he enjoyed
>> > curling and spending time. He will be sadly missed by his wife, the former
>> > Audrey Ross; daughter, Sharon (Rob Weatherbee), Collingwood; sons, Lee and
>> > Bill (Kathy), all of Springhill; five grandchildren and two
>> > great-grandchildren . He was predeceased by brother, Glendon and sister,
> Fern.
>> > Cremation has taken place under the direction of A. H. Brown Funeral Home,
> 5
>> > McFarlane St., Springhill, (902 597 2361). A memorial service will be held
> on
>> > Thursday, January 21, at 2 p.m. in the funeral home, with Rev. Paul Berry
>> > officiating. Burial in Hillside Cemetery, Springhill, at a later date. If
> so
>> > desired, donations in Bud's memory may be made to a charity of choice.
>> > www.brownsfuneralho
>> > [Wednesday, 20-January-2010 The Chronicle-Herald, Halifax NS]
>> > [collected by EMKeys 2010-01-20]
>> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
>> >
>> > his brother:
>> >
>> > Tuesday, September 2, 2003 The Halifax Herald Limited
>> > KNOWLTON, Glendon Clairmont - 82, Advocate Harbour and Amherst, Cumberland
>> > Co., passed away Saturday, August 30, 2003, in Gables Lodge, Amherst. Born
> in
>> > Advocate Harbour, he was a son of the late Arlie and Nettie (Lunn)
> Knowlton.
>> > He was a retired mechanic having worked with Fred Young's Superline and
> Esso.
>> > He also worked at Doug Noiles Irving and with Amherst Chrysler Plymouth.
> He
>> > was an avid hunter and fisherman. He is survived by sons, Glendon
> (Beverly),
>> > Advocate Harbour; Michael (Melanie), Chester; brother, Ulric (Bud),
>> > Springhill; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren . He was
> predeceased by
>> > his wife, the former Kathleen Tooke; sister, Ferne. Funeral service will
> be
>> > held 2 p.m. today in Advocate Baptist Church, Rev. Donald Hirtle
> officiating.
>> > In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Chignecto Manor,
>> > Advocate Harbour or Parkinson's Society of Canada, Maritime Region.
>> > Arrangements entrusted to Smith's Funeral Home, Parrsboro. On- line
>> > condolences may be sent to: www.smithsfuneralho
>> >
>> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
>> >
>> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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