Gladys Morilla (Boutilier) Crossman of Seabright / Port Grevil_ le

Chronicle Herald, Wednesday, May 27, 1970, pg. #34; Reel #5987, NSARM,
Halifax, N.S.
Mrs. Gladys Morilla Crossman, 75, of Port Greville, Cumberland County, died
Monday in Amherst. Born in Seabright, Halifax County, she was a daughter of
the late Charles and Minnie (Zwicker) Boutilier. She was predeceased by her
husband, Robert Crossman, and a son, Leslie. She is survived by three sons,
Everet and Walsely, both of Amherst; and Leonard, Moncton; one daughter,
Viola (Mrs. Frank Hachjowski), Ward's Brook, Cumberland County; two
brothers, Stanley and Walter, both of Seabright; and two sisters, Laura and
Reta (Mrs. S.A. Milner), both of Annapolis Royal. The body is at Smith's
Funeral Home, Parrsboro. Funeral service will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. In
the Port Greville Baptist Church, with Rev. Jack Palmer officiating. Burial
will be in the church cemetery.

Source: Dave Winter, 12 Jan 2010
Note; As published, Everett and Walsely should possibly be Everett and