A bit more, some of which you previously had but was not posted on nscumber.
Robert Taylor Skinner's death record should be new to you.
Note Lila Harriett Skinner's death date compared to your file.
Chronicle Herald, Friday, March 26, 1971; Reel #5997, PANS, Halifax, N.S.
OBITUARY - Mrs. Mary M. Skinner, 77, of Port Greville, died Wednesday at her
home. Born in Port Greville, she was the daughter of the late John and Lila
(MacCullough) Taylor. She is survived by one son, Clem, Dartmouth; and two
grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Peter, and one daughter,
Lila. The body is at Smith's Funeral Home, Parrsboro. Funeral service will
be held Saturday at 1 p.m. from the Port Greville Baptist Church with Rev.
Hazen Bezanson officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Source: Dave Winter, 10 Jan 2010
Note: As published, "MacCullough" should be McCullough
Son, George C. "Clemm" Skinner m/1 Dorothy A. Siddall from Southampton.
Sorry, I do not have his obit but believe he died ? May 1972 in V.G.
Hospital, Halifax.
Son, Robert Taylor Skinner, died as child:
NSARM Cumberland Deaths, 1920; Book #64; Page #107
Robert Taylor Skinner, Port Greville
Born 27 Jul 1916, Springhill
Died 21 Dec 1920, Port Greville, age 4 years, 4 months, 21 days, of Leukemia
S/o Peter R. Skinner, Pictou County, and Mary M. Taylor, Port Greville
Informant; Peter R. Skinner, Springhill, Father
Buried 23 Dec 1920, Port Greville
Source: Dave Winter, 10 Jan 2010
Daughter, Lila Harriet Skinner:
Amherst Daily News, Monday, February 22, 1965; Reel #2727, PANS, Halifax,
FOUR KILLED ON CUMBERLAND HIGHWAYS (excerpts only from the complete article)
At Nappan: Miss Lila Harriet Skinner, 45, Amherst school teacher and native
of Port Greville and Herman Aleysious (Jack) Rierden, 62, Nappan. Accident
blamed on poor visibility and drifting snow. Mr. Rierden was the driver of a
car which was in head-on collision with a second vehicle driven by Dale
Hatfield between Maccan and Nappan at approx. 3:30 p.m.. Both Mr. Rierden
and Miss Skinner, a passenger in the Hatfield car were killed instantly,
while Mrs. Rierden suffered multiple injuries and is in Highland View
Hospital. Mr. Hatfield, a native of Port Greville who is employed in
Moncton, had picked up Miss Skinner, also a Port Greville native, in Amherst
and also had Miss Hale, a Parrsboro native, employed in Moncton, as a
passenger. They were all enroute to their homes for the weekend. The
accident occurred on a straight stretch of highway about one mile south of
the Dominion Experimental Farm at a point where drifting snow was streaming
off a snowbank causing blinding visibility. Miss Skinner was thrown out of
the wreckage while Mr. Rierden was trapped behind the wheel. Miss Skinner
had been a member of the Amherst Regional High School teaching staff for the
past 16 years after being on the staff of schools in Annapolis Valley,
Milford, Southampton and Port Greville for nine years previous. She was
active in community affairs in Amherst and was former supervisor at the
Rotary Camp at Tignish, a member of the Board of Christian Education of the
First Baptist Church, a sponsor of the local Allied Youth and active in the
Nova Scotia Teacher's Union as a member of the Provincial Executive. She is
survived by her mother, Mrs. Peter R. Skinner, Port Greville and one
brother, Clem Skinner of Amherst. The late Miss Skinner is resting at
Smith's Funeral Home, Parrsboro and the funeral service will be held at the
United Baptist Church, Port Greville Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Interment will be
in Riverside Cemetery, Port Greville.
Amherst Daily News, Thursday, February 25, 1965; Reel #2727; PANS, Halifax,
FUNERAL - Miss Lila Skinner. The funeral service for the late Miss Lila
Skinner, one of the accident victims of a tragic car accident on Saturday
last, was held from the Port Greville United Baptist Church Tuesday
afternoon. Despite road conditions, the service was largely attended with a
number able to be present from a distance. Plans had been made for the
teachers of the Amherst schools and Miss Skinner's class of Grade 9F to
attend but transportation arrangements had to be cancelled due to weather
conditions. The service was conducted by Rev. R. Bruce Atkinson of Halifax,
director of Allied Youth for the Province, who paid a tribute to the
deceased and to her work with students connected with the local Allied Youth
organization. The hymns sung by the Baptist Choir with Mrs. Harold Wilson as
accompanist, were: "Near The Cross" and "The Old Rugged Cross". The
pallbearers were: Cyril Hatfield, Chesley Allen, Loris Hatfield, Harold
Wilson, Ross Hatfield and Loring Kerr. The committal service at the family
lot at Riverside Cemetery, Port Greville was conducted by Rev. Douglas
Carling, minister of the Parrsboro Shore Baptist pastorate. There was a
profusion of beautiful floral tributes. Relatives and friends attended from
Amherst, Pictou County and Halifax, but others were unable to be present.
Source: Dave Winter, 10 Jan 2010
Note: Place death at 20 Feb 1965
On 1/10/10 8:07 PM, "Jim Welsh" <welsh793@...> wrote:
> Thanks Dave. Material I didn't have.
> Jim
> David Winter wrote: