Re: McALEESE, Daniel Patrick

I think it was a logging accident and may have happened in the woods back of Red River.It may be mentioned in Hilton McCullys' "Back Then Along the Shore" or if Laura MacAleese is still on line she is the local MacAleese historian.


From: keysie@...
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 00:03:18 -0400
Subject: [nscumber] McALEESE, Daniel Patrick

Seems to me there must have been an accident here but no mention in the death registration.

His parents were Francis J McAleese & Eliza Taggart.

NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1916 Book: 41 Page: 357 Number: 1447
Name: McALEESE, Daniel P
[indexed as Donald P McAleese]
DoB: est 1872
DoD: 1916-06-17 Advocate Harbour, NS
Age: 44y
Cause: fracture of both clavicles & sterum & four ribs/
hypostatic congestion of lungs
Occupation: lumberman
Marital status: married
Burial: Advocate Hbr, NS
Undertaker: S R Canning
Informant: M J Fillmore 1916-06-17
[collected by EMKeys 2010-01-03]
his brother, Stewart Ozwald McAleese:
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1931 Book: 143 Page: 734
Name: McALEESE, Stuart
DoB: 1867-05-27 Cumb Co, NS
DoD: 1931-05-24 Advocate Hbr, NS
Age: 68y 11m 27d
Cause: carcinoma of stomach/exhaustion
Occupation: lumberman
Marital status: married
Spouse: Nettie McAleese
c/o: Francis McAleese (IRE) & Eliza Taggart (IRE)
Burial: 1941-05-27 Advocate Hbr, NS
Undertaker: S R Canning
Informant: Mrs Nettie McAleese, wife (4th), Advocate Hbr
[collected by EMKeys 2010-01-03]

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