Re: Angus, Baxter and Chappell families

Hello Geoff,

I'm certain you'll get many responses to your posting because the marriage of your grandfather (Arthur Daniel Casey ANGUS) and grandmother (Alice M. BAXTER) united two of the often and well-researched Cumberland County families:
- Arthur ANGUS was a descendant of Nathaniel SMITH who emigrated to Nova Scotia in 1774
- Alice BAXTER was a descendant of the BAXTERs who emigrated to Nova Scotia from Westchester Co., New York (in the late 1790s?)

Very briefly, my connection to your family is through my great-great-grandmother, Sarah BAXTER (born about 1834, died 1885) who was a cousin of your grandmother (Alice BAXTER).

I had found Arthur ANGUS in the 1881, 1891, 1901& 1911 census returns
and Alice BAXTER in the 1881, ____, 1901& 1911 census returns
but their children in the 1911 return are difficult to read. It looks like:
- Edith Caroline, born Aug. 1904 in Sask.
- Eva, born May 1907 in Sask.
- Lucy ____, born Mar 1909 in Sask.

Can you confirm the names of their children? And are you the son of Lucy?

You say your records are incomplete and that you want to bring them up-to-date: What would you like from me and/or from list members?


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