Would anyone know the name of Thomas Daniel's first wife?
From: Read Allen <
Sent: Sat, January 2, 2010 11:56:45 PM
Subject: RE: [nscumber] Alton Johnston
Sorry to be a bit slow getting back to you. I had a white knuckle trip to
the Halifax airport this afternoon to drop off my son, daughter-in- law and
baby granddaughter to the airport for their flight back to Ontario this
afternoon. I see the flight just left Halifax almost 6 hours late.
My connection is to Alice Kieley, so my connections to the Johnstone family
is by marriage and I don't have a lot on them. Much of my information came
from my aunt who was a second cousin to Alice and was a couple of years
older than her. My aunt (and my father) had maintained some contact with
Alice over the years. I feel confident that Alice Kieley and Tommy
Johnstone were married on August 2, 1945. As to who Tommy Johnstone was I
am not as certain.
I came across a couple of things that I believe could shine some light on
the conflicts. My aunt gives the adopted son as Thomas Daniel Johnstone and
the names of his wife and children. She also had photos from Alice of Johny
and his family. The names of the wife and children on the photo agree with
those of her adopted son Thomas Daniel Johnson and were identified as being
at 150 Mile House in BC. It appears that Thomas Daniel Johnstone was known
as John or Johny. That would agree with the Obituary of Bessie Alma
Johnstone posted by David Winter as having stepson John Johnstone, 150 Mile
House. I have adopted daughter Laura married to David Fowler which also
agrees with the obituary. The question is why there is no mention of Janet
Ann (Johnstone) Gallucci that I have listed as daughter of Tommy and Alice.
I am certain she was born to Alice in 1955. Maybe she was omitted in error.
Hopefully Thommy's obituary will reveal more. I have him as dying in 1986
and see there is a Thomas A Johnstone of Brookfield listed in the Herald
Index as being published on May 10, 1986 which may be him.
I hope this is of some help.
From: nscumber@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:nscumber@yahoogroup s.com] On Behalf
Of Marjorie Lloyd
Sent: January 2, 2010 12:03 PM
To: nscumber@yahoogroup s.com
Subject: RE: [nscumber] Alton Johnston
Hi Read,
Thomas Alton Johnston, son of Duncan Dunbar Johnston and Bessie Ellen Grant,
was married to May Beatrice MacAloney on June 27, 1917. I have their
children as - Alton R, Madeline Dorothy, Darrell Duncan, and John. May
Beatrice died July 8, 1942. Then, I have Thomas Alton's second wife as
Bessie Alma Lyman, daughter of Richard Lyman and Avis Reeves. But I don't
have a marriage date. Bessie died May 5, 1995.
So if Thomas Alton married Alice Eileen Kieley on August 1944, when did he
marry Bessie Alma Lyman? I take it that Darrell Duncan is the Duncan you're
talking about?
--- On Sat, 1/2/10, Read Allen <readallen@hfx.
<mailto:readallen% 40hfx.eastlink. ca> eastlink.ca> wrote:
From: Read Allen <readallen@hfx. <mailto:readallen% 40hfx.eastlink. ca>
Subject: RE: [nscumber] Alton Johnston
To: nscumber@yahoogroup <mailto:nscumber% 40yahoogroups. com> s.com
Received: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 2:11 AM
Clem and Dave,
I think there is some confusion here. Probably due to too many similar
I have Alice Eileen Kieley (d/o Daniel Gideon Kiely and Hattie Anstis Brown)
as the second wife of Thomas "Tommy" Johnstone (married Aug 2 1944). Thomas
had a son Duncan from his first marriage and daughter Janet Ann with Alice.
Tommy and Alice also adopted two children Thomas Daniel and Laura. Tommy and
Alice divorced.
Tommy remarried and died in 1986. I show Tommy was the son of Duncan Dunbar
Johnstone and Bessie E. Grant and had siblings Agnes Kathlene, Mabel, Muriel
and Daniel.
After their divorce Alice moved to Ontario and married a Fowler. Alice died
June 22, 1983
-----Original Message-----
From: nscumber@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:nscumber@ yahoogroup s.com] On Behalf
Of Clemm Larsen
Sent: December 31, 2009 10:25 AM
To: nscumberland Yahoo
Subject: RE: [nscumber] Alton Johnston
I have the late Alton Johns(t)on wife's name Alice Eileen KIELEY. No other
To: nscumber@yahoogroup s.com
From: gmattins@rogers. com
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 08:41:24 -0500
Subject: [nscumber] Alton Johnston
Hello Dave,
Adding to what Bruce Clarke mentioned:
The Halifax Chronicle Herald published an obituary for A.R. Johns_on (New
Salem) on Feb 3, 1972
If this is your Alton Johnston, then the obituary may list his wife's name.
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