Hi Carolyn:
I¹ve changed the name to Lucretia Treen in my file. Thanks for correcting
Would Nita be a nick-name for Anita; perhaps, Hazel Anita ³Nita²?
With this death date for Mary MacAloney of 7 Mar 1939 at Pugwash, I¹ll see
if there was an obit published in the Parrsboro, Springhill or Amherst
newspapers the next time I¹m into the Archives and let you know.
I have Charlotte E. (Fisher) O¹Brien MacAloney as deceased on 21 Oct 1931 so
will check for her obit as well to see what it says if published.
NSARM Cumberland Deaths 1931; Book #143; Page #890
Charlotte MacAloney, North Middleboro, Housewife, Married
Born: (blank) Cumberland
Died 21 Oct 1931, Pugwash, age 54
D/o Charles Fisher, Cumberland, and Lucretia Treen, Cumberland
Informant; Clarence O'Brien, North Middleboro, Son
Buried 23 Oct 1931, Middleboro
Source: Dave Winter, 17 Jul 2008
NSARM Cumberland Deaths 1939; Book #187; Page #80
Mary MacAloney, Pugwash, Housemaid, Single
Born: 22 Aug 1917, N.S.
Died 7 Mar 1939, Pugwash, age 22 years, 7 months, of Lobar Pneumonia
D/o Alex MacAloney, N.S., and Elizabeth Fisher, N.S.
Informant; Ethel O'Brien, Pugwash, Sister
Buried 9 Mar 1939, Middleboro
Source: Dave Winter, 30 Dec 2008
Note: Mary¹s parents are going by their middle names. Were William and
Charlotte E. when married
On 12/30/08 9:32 PM, "Carolyn Simpson" <carolynsimpson@...> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Just a little tidying up regarding the marriage of William MacAloney and
> Charlotte (Fisher) O'Brien, her mother's name was Lucretia Treen Fisher [she
> and Charles Fisher were my great-grandparents].
> William's daughter Nita is a mystery. I have only two children for William and
> Charlotte: Mary and Hazel. Having said that, I just looked at my records and I
> see that Mary died March 1939. That would mean that when William died in
> November 1940, his only living daughter with Charlotte would be Hazel...
> perhaps she was called Nita. ??
> -- Carolyn
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Winter
> To: nscumber
> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 6:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [nscumber] Re: Annie May Best of Parrsboro
> Marjorie:
> As one roams through the various Parrsboro area cemeteries, there¹s McAloney
> and MacAloney headstones. Also, Winter and Winters; Llewelyn and Llewellyn;
> Smith and Smythe; MacLeod and McLeod; McKay and MacKay; Dow and Dowe to name
> a few. Who knows which spelling is correct? With my Cumberland County
> WINTER/S, they¹re mostly all related except Mrs. Leslie Sanford Lamb who was
> nee Winters from Lunenburg County.
> As for Annie May, I now think she¹s really Sarah Ann May Best.
> NSARM Cumberland County delayed birth registrations
> Year: 1886 Book: 1886 Page: 99000702
> Name: BEST, Sarah Ann
> DoB: 1886-09-02 Parrsboro, NS
> c/o: Samuel L Best (Maitland) & Sarah Boyd
> affidavit by Levi Best, brother, on 1951-10-26
> based on baptismal record
> [collected by EMKeys 2008-12-19]
> ==============
> 1891 Census;
> 3722 PARRSBORO A 322 BEST ***SARAH*** 4
> Automated Genealogy Version;
> 1901 Cumberland County Census, Parrsboro family #239, BEST:
> 3 239 Best Samuel M Head M Feb 12 1843 58
> 4 239 Best Sarah F Wife M Jan 11 1855 45
> 5 239 Best James M Son S Nov 2 1881 19
> 6 239 Best Levi M Son S Sep 26 1883 17
> 7 239 Best ***Annie*** F Daughter S Sep 2 1886 14
> 8 239 Best Robert M Son S Dec 28 1888 12
> 9 239 Best Edith F Daughter S Nov 20 1891 9
> 10 239 Best Elsie F Daughter S Apr 2 1894 7
> 11 239 Best Gorden M Son S Aug 12 1896 4
> ============
> NSARM Cumberland Co marriage registrations
> Year: 1902 Book: 1810 Page: 272 Number: 259
> Groom: MacALONEY, Alexander, 23, b, labourer
> living Parrsboro, born Parrsboro
> s/o James A & Maria MacAloney, ship carpenter
> and
> Bride: BEST, Annie May, 17, s
> living Parrsboro, born Parrsboro
> d/o Samuel & Sarah Best, labourer
> married 1902-12-06 at Parrsboro, NS
> before Levi Best, Hattie Tibbetts [Levi¹s her brother]
> by Rev D H MacQuarrie, Baptist
> [collected by EMKeys 2008-06-05]
> ===============
> Automated Genealogy Version;
> 1911 Cumberland County Census, Parrsboro Centre family #181, BEST:
> 4 181 Best Samuel M Head M Feb 1842 69 1901
> 5 181 Best Sarah F Wife M Jan 1855 56 1901
> 6 181 Best Gordon M Son S Aug 1896 14 1901
> 7 181 King Annie F Daughter M Sep 1885 25 1901
> 8 181 King Edward M Son-in-law M Jul 1851 59 1901
> 9 181 King Charles M Grandson S May 1907 4 1901
> 10 181 King Frances F Granddaughter S Jul 1910 10/12 1901
> ==================
> NSARM Cumberland Marriages, 1915; Book #37; Page #625
> (Indexed as McAloney)
> William MacAloney, 35, Widower, Presbyterian, Farmer
> Living Parrsboro; Born (not given)
> S/o James and Maria Best MacAloney
> And
> Charlotte E. O¹Brien, 35, Widow, Baptist
> Living North Middleboro; Born Wallace River
> D/o Charles and Lucretia Freen Fisher
> Married 17 Jun 1915, Baptist, Parrsboro
> By Rev. G. Douglas Milbury before Henry Leo MacAloney and Mrs. G. Douglas
> Milbury
> [Henry Leo MacAloney is William¹s brother]
> Source: Dave Winter, 29 Dec 2008
> ======================
> William does not list Charles or Frances in his obit below. As Charlotte E.
> Fisher was only age 35 in 1915, Neta is possibly by William and Charlotte as
> after their 1915 marriage:
> Parrsboro Record, Tuesday, November 19, 1940, pg. #1; Reel #2863, NSARM,
> Halifax, N.S.
> (Under the heading Wedding and not Obituary)
> WEDDING: Alexander MacAloney
> The death of Alexander MacAloney, a resident of Wallace for the past 25
> years, occurred here on Friday morning , November 15, at the home of his
> brother, Harden MacAloney, where he had spent the past week. Born at
> Parrsboro 61 years ago, the deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
> MacAloney. He is survived by one daughter, (Nita) Mrs. Earl MacGill of
> Wentworth; five brothers, Austin of West Stoughton, Mass.; Stephen of Bass
> River; Robert, Henry and Harden of Parrsboro; and one sister, Eliza of
> Rumford, Me. Five step-children also survive. A short service conducted by
> Rev. J.N. Currie was held of Saturday evening at his brother's home here,
> where he passed away. Interment was made on Sunday at Wallace beside his
> wife, who predeceased him nine years ago. Rev. Mr. Black of Pugwash
> conducted the funeral service from the Wallace River Church. The late Mr.
> MacAloney was a member of the Baptist Church at Wallace.
> Source: Dave Winter, 17 Jul 2008
> ==============
> So, I still contend William Alexander MacAloney and Sarah Ann May Best
> separated shortly after their 1902 marriage with her taking up with Edward
> King, a man 35 years older than she, with issue of Charles in 1907 and
> Frances in 1910. There possibly wasn¹t a marriage as there wasn¹t a divorce
> from her m/1 so it was possibly common law.
> By 1912, Sarah Ann May Best is up in Saint John, N.B. with possibly George
> Hamilton McCormick and issue of Marvel Pratt McCormick. Note below she¹s
> ³Best², not MacAloney or King.
> RS141A1b
> Index to Late Registration of Births
> Sex M
> Date of Birth 1912 | 11 | 19 (Y-M-D)
> Code 1912--802063
> Microfilm F23681
> =================
> Again, there¹s no marriage because possibly neither have a divorce so it¹s
> common law again. George was married to Minnie (?) in 1911, a lady 29 years
> his junior. George Hamilton McCormick¹s first wife was Mary Ann McCloskey.
> =============
> Automated Genealogy Version;
> 1911 Saint John County Census, Saint John family #142, McCORMACK:
> 46 142 McCormack George M Head M Jan 1860 50 1901
> 47 142 McCormack Minnie F Wife M Aug 1889 21 1901
> 48 142 McCormack Lillie F Daughter S Mar 1890 20 1901
> 49 142 McCormack George M Son S Apr 1896 14 1901
> 50 142 McCormack Alice F Daughter S Apr 1898 12 1901
> 1 141 McCormack Gerald M Son S Jul 1902 8
> 2 141 McCormack Alditha F Daughter S Jan 1904 6
> 3 141 McCormack Vera F Daughter S Dec 1906 4
> Note Alditha [Aldytha Christina] and Vera [Madeline] McCormick on the census
> above are the same two step-daughters listed in Annie Sarah (Best) Harrison
> obit posted earlier today.
> So, the same kind of things were happening back then as today, only it
> wasn¹t talked about or kept better hidden whereas today, no one is ashamed
> about it. If there was ³spousal abuse² back then and a wife had to leave her
> husband, there were no ³social safety nets² as we have today. She had to
> quickly find another man to support her and any children she may have had
> with her. Many second marriages happened back then without divorces whereas
> with today¹s records, one couldn¹t get away with it and would be charged
> with bigamy.
> My thoughts only.
> Dave
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> On 12/29/08 7:12 PM, "malloyd57" <malloyd57@...
> <mailto:malloyd57%40yahoo.com> > wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I'm just wondering about the spelling of McAloney or MacAloney. Any
>> > records I have, the name is spelled McAloney. Also, I was presuming
>> > that since Annie May married Edward King about 1910, I thought
>> > Frances and Charles were from his first marriage, because of the
>> > dates of their births? I have Charles b. 1907 and Frances b. 1910, so
>> > it's conceivable that Frances is Annie and Edwards', but not Charles?
>> > I thought I'd read something on this message board that said he'd
>> > been a widower who was about 35 years older than Annie? Maybe I just
>> > misunderstood? Are there any birth records available for Frances and
>> > Charles, that confirm that they are Annie & Edward's children?
>> >
>> > Marjorie
>> >
>> > --- In Annie May Best of Parrsboro
- From: "David Winter" <David_Winter_uid1419@yahoogroups.com>