TUPPER, Capt. Burpee Rufus, NEWCOMBE related

Hi Dave,

Perhaps the snow shoveling was a little strenuous? There are a
couple of points to ponder in the following:

NSARM Cumberland Deaths, 1950; Book #1950; Page #3253
Burpee Rufus Tupper, Parrsboro, Married, Master Mariner Born 1 Apr
1862, N.S. Died 18 Apr 1950, Old Age Home, Apple River, age 88 years,
17 days H/o Linda Tupper S/o Gordon B. Tupper, N.S., and Ruth
Newcombe, N.S. Informant; Linda Tupper, Parrsboro, Wife Buried 21 Apr
1950, Parrsboro Buried 27 Jan 1948, Parrsboro
[Submitted by: Dave Winter, 21 Dec 2008]

Parrsboro Record, Tuesday, April 25, 1950, pg. #1; Reel #2866, NSARM,
Halifax, N.S. OBITUARY:
Captain Burpee Tupper, one of Parrsboro's well known master mariners,
passed away on Tuesday evening, April 18th after a lengthy period of
health. Eighty-eight years of age, Captain Tupper was born at Scott's
Bay, Kings County, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Bowlby
Tupper. He has resided in Parrsboro for the past forty-four years.
Following the sea from his youth, Captain Tupper, before coming to
Parrsboro, was engaged in the passenger boat service between Bay of
Fundy ports. For many years, he was master and owner of a number of
well known tug boats operating out of this port, until his retirement
several years ago. He is survived by his widow, the former Linda
Tupper and by one son and one daughter, Charles Tupper of Toronto;
and (Nita) Mrs. Stanley Rogers of Oxford. Another son, Captain Nathan
Tupper predeceased him in January 1948. There are several
grandchildren and great grandchildren. The funeral service was held
from his late residence at Whitehall on Friday afternoon, Rev. Carl
Jones officiating. Interment was made in the Baptist Cemetery. Buried
27 Jan 1948, Parrsboro [Submitted by: Dave Winter, 21 Dec 2008]

The parents of Burpee Rufus in the NSARM death report are given as "S/
o Gordon B. Tupper and Ruth Newcombe while in the Parrsboro Record of
Tues. 25 Apr 1950 his parents are "Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Bowlby Tupper."

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