WILSON, Hedley Lionel

Automated Genealogy
1911 Cumberland Census, Port Greville, Family # 192, WILSON
Wilson, Hedley M Head M Apr 1879 32
Wilson, Leah F Wife M Jul 1882 28
Wilson, Annie F Daughter S May 1903 8
Wilson, Harold M Son S Aug 1905 5
Wilson, Florence F Daughter S Jun 1908 2
NSARM Cumberland County marriage registrations
Year: 1903 Book: 1810 Page: 275 Number: 12
Groom: WILSON, Hedley Lionel, 25, b, carpenter
living Port Greville, born Advocate Hbr
s/o John & Ella Wilson, lumberman
Bride: ALLEN, Leah Elnora, 22, s
living Fraserville, born Fraserville
d/o Leander & Annie Allen, carpenter
married 1903-01-14 Advocate Hbr, NS
before Eva Allen, Ernest Fraser
by Rev F E Barrett, Methodist
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
death of first wife
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1925 Book: 107 Page: 1210
Name: WILSON, Leah Elnora
DoB: 1881-07-18 NS (computed from age at death)
DoD: 1925-07-24 Brookville, NS
Age: 44y 0m 6d
Cause: pulmonary tuberculosis
Occupation: housewife
Marital status: married
Spouse: Hedley Wilson
c/o: Leander Allen (NS) & Emily Annie Grant (NS)
Burial: 1925-07-26 Methodist, Port Greville, NS
Informant: Hedley Wilson, husband, Brookville, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
NSARM Colchester County marriage registrations
Year: 1928 Book: 52 Page: 320
Groom: WILSON, Hedley L, 50, w, farmer, UCoC
living Port Greville, born Advocate Hbr
s/o John W Wilson (Port Greville) & Ellen Knowlton
Bride: PEPPARD, Jessie M, 38, w, housekeeper, UCoC
living Belmont, Colchester, born Stewiacke, Colchester
d/o John H Pratt (Stewiacke) & Sarah Ann Pratt
married 1928-06-20 Belmont, Colchester, NS
license # 8399
before Pearl Pratt, Frank Pratt
by W Boyd M Parker, UCoC, Belmont, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
NSARM Colchester County death registrations
Year: 1937 Book: 170 Page: 34
Name: WILSON, Hedley Lionel
DoB: 1878-03-16 Brookville, NS
DoD: 1937-02-15 Belmont, NS
Age: 58y 11m
Cause: lobar pneumonia
Occupation: teamster, lumbering etc
Marital status: married
Spouse: Jessie Margaret Wilson
c/o: John Wilson (Brookville) & Ellen Knowlton (NS)
Burial: 1937-02-17 Belmont, NS
Informant: Jessie Margaret Wilson, wife, RR 6, Truro, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
NSARM Cumberland County delayed birth registrations
Year: 1906 Book: 1906 Page: 99000965
Name: WILSON, Harold Lionel
DoB: 1906-08-28 Port Greville, NS
c/o: Hedley Lionel Wilson & Leah Elnora Allen
affidavit by Mary M Skinner, neighbour, on 1958-01-23
based on sister's attendance to mother & baby, personal
attendance at birth
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
son's m1:
NSARM Cumberland County marriage registrations
Year: 1927 Book: 49 Page: 170
Groom: WILSON, Harold Lionel, 22, b, general work, Baptist
living Ward's Brook, born East Fraserville
s/o Hedley Wilson (Port Greville) & Leah Allen
Bride: PARKER, Christena Jeannett, 21, s, house work, Baptist
living Port Greville, born Port Greville
d/o Robert Parker (Canning, Kings) & Mary Parsons
married 1927-06-22 Parrsboro, NS
before Mrs Albert Field, Albert Field
license # 6128
by I D Lyttle, Baptist, Parrsboro, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
Note: Christena's birthdate in 1911 census given as January 1911
NSARM Cumberland County delayed birth registrations
Year: 1903 Book: 1903 Page: 99000451
Name: WILSON, Emily Anne
DoB: 1903-05-25 Spencer's Island, NS
c/o: Hedley Lionel Wilson & Leah Elnora Allen
affidavit by Earle E Blenkhorn, cousin, on 1950-10-31
based on census report and " and that she was a small child, weighing
two lbs and have known her all through life."
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
Note: in census report she is Emily Anne Field.
daughter's m1:
NSARM Cumberland County marriage registrations
Year: 1926 Book: 43 Page: 207
Groom: FIELD, Albert, 25, b, labourer, Baptist
living East Brookville, born Apple River
s/o Chas Field (Apple River) & Margaret Canning
Bride: WILSON, Annie, 23, S, housewife, Methodist
living East Brookville, born East Fraserville
d/o Edward Wilson (Fraserville) & Leah Allen (Hedley?)
married 1926-08-11 Parrsboro, NS
license # 2442
before Florence Wilson, Mary Brown
by I D Lyttle, Baptist, Parrsboro, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
other daughter's m1:
NSARM Cumberland County marriage registrations
Year: 1927 Book: 50 Page: 718
Groom: HATFIELD, George E, 22, b, labourer, Baptist
living Port Greville, born Port Greville
s/o Oswill Hatfield (Port Greville) & Elizabeth Miller (Oswald ?)
Bride: WILSON, Florence 20, s, housewife, Methodist
living Ward's Brook, born Fraserville
d/o Hedley Wilson (Port Greville) & Leah Allen
married 1927-11-11 Parrsboro, NS
license # 7174
before Mrs Albert Field, Albert Field
by I D Lyttle, Baptist, Parrsboro, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]
Hedley's mom:
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1921 Book: 64 Page: 617
Name: WILSON, Ellen
DoB: 1851
DoD: 1921-12-10 Brookville, NS
Age: 70y
Cause: chr interstitial myocarditis
Occupation: housewife
Marital status: married
c/o: William Knowlton (NS) & Olive Toy (Togue?)
Burial: 1921-12-21 Methodist, Port Greville, NS
Informant: Harvey Wilson, son, North Port Greville, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-20]

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