WILSON: Family of George Wilson & Carrie Stuart

Automated Genealogy
1911 Cumberland census, River Hebert, Family # 120 WILSON
Wilson, George M Head M Mar 1858 53
Wilson, Carey E F Wife M Jan 1863 48 (Carrie ?)
Wilson, Percy M Son M Aug 1884 26
Wilson, Allister M Son S Mar 1886 25 (Ellison ?)
Wilson, Andrew M Son S Jan 1887 23
Wilson, Martin M Son S Jul 1889 21 (Morton ?)
Wilson, Havelock M Son S Jan 1891 20
Wilson, Stanley M Son S Jun 1892 18
Wilson, Emily F Daughter S Jul 1896 14
Wilson, Leslie M Son S Nov 1902 8
Wilson, John M Father W Dec 1817 93
Wilson, Ida F Daughter-in-law M Feb 1888 23 (wife of Percy)
Wilson, Edna F Granddaughter S Apr 1908 3
Wilson, Annie F Granddaughter S Jan 1910 1
Hatfield, Stuart M Boarder M Aug 1875 35
Hatfield, Anne F Boarder M May 1889 22
Hatfield, Madeline F Boarder S Apr 1909 2
[compiled by EMKeys 2008-12-09]
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1912 Book: 5 Page: 328 Number: 1971
Name: WILSON, John
DoB: ca 1817 NS
DoD: 1912-02-24 Head River Hebert, NS
Age: 95y
Cause: general debility/cardiac failure
Occupation: farmer
Marital status: widowered
Burial: Parrsboro, NS
Informant: W A McLeod, 1912-02-23
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-09]
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1937 Book: 301 Page: 157
Name: WILSON, Carrie
DoB: 1864-10-20 Northdale, NB
DoD: 1937-12-22 River Hebert, NS
Age: 74y 10m
Cause: carcinoma (stomach)
Occupation: house wife
Marital status: married
Spouse: George Wilson
c/o: T Stuart (Noo????) & "unknown"
Burial: 1937-12-26 Allenville, NS
Informant: George Wilson, husband, River Hebert, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-09]
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
Year: 1935 Book: 159 Page: 1241
Name: WILSON, Morton Elias
DoB: 1889-07-10 Fraserville, NS
DoD: 1935-10-23 Moose River, NS
Age: 46y 3m 13d
Cause: septicemia/tonsillitis
Occupation: farmer
Marital status: married
Spouse: Grace Beatrice Roberts
c/o: George Wilson (Fraserville) & Carey Stewart (Nortondale, NB)
Burial: Moose River, NS
Informant: Grace B Wilson, wife, Moose River, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-09]
NSARM Cumberland County death registrations
[indexed as if in Richmond County]
Year: 1948 Book: 1948 Page: 6935
Name: WILSON, John Havelock
DoB: 1891-01-06 NS
DoD: 1948-10-17 Richmond, NS
Age: 57y 9m 11d
Cause: bullet wound through right chest/collapsed lung & internal bleeding/
wound occured while in woods
Occupation: labour
Marital status: married
Spouse: Mrs Addie Wilson
c/o: George Wilson (NS) & Carrie Stewart (NS)
Burial: 1948-10-19 Richmond, NS
Informant: Maurice H Wilson, son, Amherst, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-09]
NSARM Halifax County death registrations
Year: 1956 Book: 1956 Page: 4644
Name: WILSON, George Leslie
DoB: 1902-11-19 NS
DoD: 1956-09-09 Halifax NS
Age: 53y 9m 21d
Cause: malignant melanoma/multiple metasteses/diabetic ulcer
Occupation: mechanic/automotive/commissionaire (1953-56)
Marital status: married
Spouse: Leah Wilson
c/o: George Wilson (NS) & Carrie Stewart (NB)
Burial: 1956-09-12 Allenville, NS
Informant: Mildred Smith, niece, Parrsboro, NS
[collected by EMKeys 2008-12-09]

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