Thanks Dave. Using your very descriptive message and referring to my
atlas, it clears up a lot. More importantly it proves that what is
needed by me is a more detailed map.
On 2-Dec-08, at 2:11 PM, David Winter wrote:
> List:
> Today we drove to Diligent River to drop off a few Christmas gifts
> before
> the roads got too bad.
> Returning, I took note of the following as a "Doubting Thomas":
> Leaving Moose River, traveling towards Truro, there's a stretch of
> "wilderness". Then, 1.8 km before the Harrington River Bridge,
> while still
> in Cumberland County, there's a sign on the right saying Lower Five
> Islands.
> As you proceed further towards Truro you pass the Blue Sac Road on the
> right, then cross the Harrington River Bridge into Colchester County.
> There's a sign oh each side of the bridge, one "Colchester County" and
> another "Cumberland County". The Lynn Road is immediately to your
> left as
> you cross the bridge, heading towards Truro. You then pass through
> more of
> Lower Five Islands, Colchester County until arriving at Five Islands.
> So, that's why some NSARM vitals for Lower Five Islands are
> recorded in
> Cumberland County while others are recorded in Colchester County. The
> "County Line" is the Harrington River Bridge which cuts through a
> part of
> Lower Five Islands; thus part is in Cumberland County while the
> rest is in
> Colchester County.
> This is similar to several homes along our Canada - United States
> border.
> Part of the house is technically in Canada while the other part is
> technically in the United States.
> Dave
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