I have her mother as Margery KEARNEY b 12-Apr-1836 NB d 04-May-1917
Also, I have Esther's birthdate as 14-Oct-1874 (making her age 67 in Nov
----- Original Message -----
From: "david winter" <davidwinter@...>
To: "nscumber" <celarsen34@...>; "James E. Welsh"
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 11:45 AM
Subject: [nscumber] Esther Armina Field from Apple River
> Esther Armina Field's mother is reported to be nee KEARNEY, from New
> Brunswick.
> Dave
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Parrsboro Record, Tuesday, April 8, 1941, pg. #3; Reel #2863, NSARM,
> Halifax, N.S.
> OBITUARY: Mrs. Martin Boston
> A wide circle of friends learned with regret of the death of Mrs. Martin
> Boston, which occurred here suddenly on Wednesday evening last, at the
> home
> of her son, Clair Boston, with whom she has resided for the past three
> years
> following the death of her husband, the late Martin Boston. Sixty five
> years
> of age, the late Mrs. Boston was the former Esther Field, daughter of the
> late Robert and Marjorie Kearney Field of Apple River, where she was born
> and lived until about twenty years ago, when with her husband, she came to
> Parrsboro to reside. She is survived by one daughter, Jean, Mrs. Victor
> McLeod, residing in town; and one son, Clair, at present of Bear River;
> and
> three grandchildren; also by three brothers, James and Harris Field of
> Apple
> River; and William in the U.S.A. The funeral service was held at the home
> of
> her son on Saturday afternoon, with Rev. Howard Hamilton, pastor of
> Trinity
> United Church officiating. Interment was made here.
> Source: Dave Winter 20 Sep 2007
> ===================
> NSARM Cumberland Deaths 1941; Book #199; Page #133
> Esther Armina Boston, Parrsboro, Widowed
> Born 16 Oct 1965(?), N.S.
> Died 26 Nov 1941, Parrsboro, age 65 years, 5 months, 10 days
> D/o Robert Field, N.S., and Marjorie Kearley?, N.S.
> Informant; Mrs. J. McLeod, Parrsboro, Daughter
> Buried 30 Nov 1941, Parrsboro
> Source: Dave Winter 20 Sep 2007
> =====================
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