Re: Cemeteries Plot Map

Hi Rick
Maybe if you check with him.
Murray Keating
R R #1 Collingwood
Cumb. Co., N.S.



Hi ,I added my name to a list for that book on here but never heard any more about it ..can you still get it ??Rickd36479@... wrote:Hi Kathryn,My computer has been down for a while or I would have answered before this. A year or so ago Murray L. Keating published a book "Cemeteries Of Cumberland County" of which I do have a copy. In it he lists the names of people buried in River Philip, Collingwwod-Wyvern, Williamsdale, Millvale, and Rose. Don't know if this will help or not. His address isMr. Murray L. KeatingR.R.#1 CollingwoodCumberland Co. Nova ScotiaBOM1EOFran Patton Spinney************************************** See what's new at[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]---------------------------------All new Yahoo! Mail ---------------------------------Get news delivered. Enjoy RSS feeds right on your Mail page.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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