Is the information available at the Cumberland County Museum not specific enough? I know that they have cemetery maps, but didn't pay attention when I was there this summer as to whether or not their database contains plot numbers (I think it may). I know that they also have individual data sheets on each grave, detailing the type of stone, inscription, status of stone (moss covered, good condition, etc.), decorations that may be around the gravesite...
I know that the information they were able to provide for me was sufficient to find a veritable needle in the haystack in Hillside!
----- Original Message -----
From: Kathryn Jeffers <kjeffers@...>
Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 8:18 pm
Subject: [nscumber] Cemeteries Plot Map
> Hi.
> The Cumberland County Genealogy Centre is in the process of
> setting up a
> database at their centre; to feature the digital headstone photos
> for
> all the cemeteries in Cumberland County. To help researchers find
> their
> ancestors headstones in each cemetery, they would like to number
> the
> headstone according to the cemetery plot map. In order to do this,
> a
> copy of the cemetery plot map must be attain.
> If anyone knows of where we can attain a copy of the cemetery plot
> map
> for any of the Cumberland County cemeteries; or the name of the
> person
> that we can contact to get a copy. Would you please let me or any
> other
> member of the CCGC know?
> Thanks.
> Kathryn
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