Alberta Ann Hughes
Parrsboro Record, Tuesday, June 14, 1938, pg. #1; Reel #2862, NSARM,
Halifax, N.S.
OBITUARY: Mrs. Daniel Gough
There passed away on Friday, June 10th, at her home here, Alberta Ann, widow
of the late Daniel Gough, age 76 years. She was the daughter of the late
Benjamin and Elizabeth Gough of Diligent River and has resided here for some
years where she has made many friends and will be missed as a good neighbor
and esteemed citizen. Surviving are two daughters, (Sarah) Mrs. B. Dowe of
Amherst and (Alida) Mrs. Carl Spicer, Diligent River; and one son, Benjamin
of Amherst; two sisters (Sadie) Mrs. John Wasson, Diligent River; and (Ella)
Mrs. R. Manning residing in New Brumswick; and three brothers, Sylvester,
Nelson and Douglas, all of Diligent River; and several grandchildren also
survive. The funeral service was held on Sunday afternoon with Rev. C.R.
Harris conducting the service. Mrs. Alex MacKay sang as solos: "The Old
Rugged Cross" and "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder". The pallbearers were
Messrs. Burton Smith, Perly Wright, Wm. Crossman and Percy Ogilvie.
Interment was made in the family lot in the Methodist Cemetery at Wharton.
Source: Dave Winter 15 Sep 2007
Note: Transcribed as published but feel Mrs. "B" Dowe should be Mrs. Orey
Dowe and Mrs. John "Wasson" should be Mrs. John Warren.